Reuben Morgan from Hillsong! ONE WAY! TELL THE WORLD!! ....and SPIRITUAL MANIFESTATIONS!Wad a day today! First went with joshua to city harvest and joined my friend cellg grp. And wad a start it was... The first song lead by reuben morgan, head worship pastor of hillsong! Began with my favourite song! ONE WAY!!! Followed by! TELL THE WORLD! my other favourite song! WOW! and other classic hillsong songs! Great man! Den there was a guest speaker..mike connell...he was known for deliverance of ppl. After service... i saw chin hui and joshua from our y visitin chc too... met up with them for a short while before meetin tw and ben tan grp. Now thinkin..i like kinda noe up to 4 cell grps in city harvest oready... well... the second part of the service was...jus for deliverance.... It was really an eventful part... I witness for the first time in my life really sooo many spiritual manifestation upclose! It was kinda freaky... And it was such a mass event...dat the whole front was filled with ppl! it was a huge altar call abt 5000 plus! And slaining and lots of deliverance occured! God's presence was really around! When i was at the back... there was a lady near me..suddenly collapsed to the floor without anyone touchin her at all..the holy spirit was really strong there. She den started to move uncontrollably! Shaking intensely..really like possessed! and that wasn't the onli sight...there was a lot.... of screamin and shouting...and heard even some the devil speakin in some ppl... it was freaky! The leaders all had to pin and prayed fervently for those ppl! Even in my friend cell grp..there was a couple who was really manifesting in them... my friends had to pin down their fellow grp mate... she really jumped from where she was seatin to the floor movin really violently... and screamin and crying! Wad an experience... i even went up to be prayed for... and there was a few leaders prayin intensely in tongues...i jus stood there...really dunno wad to do actually but prayed lor... one guy held his hand on my head..and another held my stomach...there were tryin to slain me... i almost fell but still stood...until i not really sure..but i fell back in the end...dunno if it was real..bcoz mayb bcoz there was some pressure tryin to tip me over. Well... i still got to ym camp 05 experience when i got slained was more real..bcoz the pastor never touched me but i jus fell back... the experience still lingers in me.Well.... i'm supposed to get up pretty early tmr abt 6 plus..need to go west coast to help up for the "just play it" games...and can't wait for the MORE THAN LIFE event at chapel of the resurrection! The memories of my first visit there last yr after my prelims still in my mind..In still rmb clearly dat that day was the first time and startin point in my life that made me really experience God's presence through the worship! and i really enjoyed dat nite...and from den onwards after dat day..i appreciate worship more..and now! I loveeeee it! I loveeeee GOD! :D:D:D:D:D
Good Run! The Change-maker ministry?Today, lessons was super fast...went skool at 3..submit our assignment and jus a short lesson by tony tan and we cld go! I den called vyan to say i cld join them for the run at macrithie! Yippeeee! So rushed with avon from tp to there...we took 59 which was pretty fast! But change abt 3 buses in total..good thing got concesession! Today run seems pretty fast...we ran another route this time....this was my normal route i ran with my soccermates last time. It was abt 5 km plus. But my timing wasnt dat fast although i paced myself pretty well...i got back in a time of 27 min 42 seconds. Even after the run i still had lots of the trainings are workin man! i loveeee running! :DAfter the run! Sen drove us...Vyan,keith and me to the Singapore Country Club! Wah! the country club there is really NICE! Its like for the really rich ppl onli! We bath there..and i gotta say...WOW! EVEN the toilets is super high class! SO good to go there as guest...since sen and vyan were members.... later we slack at this area at the bowlin alley there. AND Sen bought this super high class drink for us! I tink that drink cost 5 bucks at least! Its some "Gana" Orange drink (can't rmb the name)..It was pretty good! That place ah....really only the really rich cld afford! Later..vyan,keith and me took a bus to keith place first...we had an interestin conversation abt our ym. We were talkin abt how the fire and passion in Ym is like abit we wanted to be "THE CHANGE MAKERS!" And do smthing abt it. We wanted praise and worship to be hype out like camps! Sooo we even thought of formin a new ministry called the CHangemakers! With our own shirt and stuff like dat...And we were kinda serious abt it. Wah...imagine in the future...YM REVIVAL! And we 3 guys are like the founders of "changemakers"! HAHA! :D Wad a dream! LAter met up with sen again for supper and he drove us all back...thanks sen! At least he didnt get lost sendin me back...LOL! Tmr! Goin city harvest...reuben morgan of hillsong united will be there! Yippee!
I'm SO HAPPY Today! I really LOVE Tp Campus Crusade for Chirst!I'm a Happy Ben today! I really love my current module, lightings! Its so slack! and i really learn a lot!! Yesterday i went singapore asian Civilisation museum! And tmr! Changi airport! FUN rite!Today was jus lecture on all kind of lightings..i seriously really learned a lot and took down notes on it... even i'm in the mood to write notes...strange man! :D And everyone in my class is callin me father ben! i actually kinda gettin used to it! since in cj and in my small grp i was used to be called dat too! haha! And they say i'm really holy..actually..i once heard from someone dat if somebody say u are holy..its actually a compliment! so well... i jus take it as one! heehee! AND! Best of all its our campus crusade Live meeting again today!!!! Yippeee! I'm so in love with TP campus crusade! Its really nice to fellowship with fellow chirstians in Tp and at the same time worship and find out more abt God's word too! Coool rite! :D!!! I really so glad to hav join this ministry altough its underground! hope i can get my more christians to join !!! HAPPY ME! HAPPY ME! HAPPY MEE!!!! Oh yeaaa! this mth will be even more packed with lots of great events during the weekends! with reuben morgan, lead singer of hilsong united comin down to city harvest on 29 july! More than life at chapel of the resurrection on 30 jul! and avon is comin! and hopefully my other 2 non christian frends nick and alan can come too! :D ....AND! ...Festival of Praise(FOP) 4-6 august,with don moen and christian city church comin! AND! with PLANETSHAKERS! comin to FCBC on aug 18 i tink! What a super fun august!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D!!!!!!!! HAPPPPPY!!!!!!! I reallly love GOD with all my HEART, SOUL, MIND and STRENGTH! =)
A new block again!!! (and suddenly a day of catchin up with old friends again)
Today was quite an interestin day... first of all i met up with 2 of my ex stgabs soccer mates, nurfal and shaun at the bus stop. Had a short chat with them...
In skool... Our first lesson of this block was light studies and it was a really exciting start..we were told to go to the singapore asian civilisation museum (not sure if caled like this) smthing like dat la.... well its at boat quay there. Wrote comments abt the types of lights at the museum.
When i got home...i when online...suddenly my ex cjc, cl B classmate also fencing mate also one of the first guy i got to noe in the first ever orientation grp suddenly chatted with me. It was really nice to hear from him again... i always wanted to catch up with him. Well we had a nice long chat abt our lives in poly now..and we both really miss our cj mates. Oh i also intro him abt campus crusade..I asked irene for the sp crusade staff contact so i cld pass it to him. AND yippeee! He was glad to join! Hopefully we can meet up at the yr end METTA CAMP!
Campus Crusade Gen 12ii Thanks Giving!!
Today was quite an eventful day!
When Tp abt 3 plus first..and met up with joelle,jon chua and her other spydra mates at the library...
I wrote notes for my purpose driven life..which i haven touch for a long time...good thing today had time to do this. I then when for a run at bedok reservior... i ran aloneee..bcoz joelle had to continue study for her accounts...oh was a pretty good run! I ran in another personal record time of 23 mins and 42 secs in 5 km! Thats a new record for me again! It strange that i'm runnin even faster den before after every new run even with such a short trainin.... OH YEA! I also manage to collect donations for almost all..or infact all the tp crusade members today!!! Yippeee! PTL! arghhh..but i forgot to asked the nus and crusade staffs... sigh.. oh well! THANKS GUYS for the donations!
We then went to some church in little india, covenant somthing..cant rmb... It was a fantastic nite there! It was great to see the NUS pioneerin campus team again! And the RP crusaders as well as Some NYP crusaders which i got to noe at the CIA camp! Reunion man! It was coool to see so many crusaders from different campus doin different mission trips. Strangely everthing went wromg today... first we had to start the event late..bcoz most of the crusaders were stuck in the NOrth east line train..there was some probs there... and den...durin worship..suddenly there was like a short circuit...and the microphone, keyboards, screen with the lyrics all blank out! BUT! Thanks to GOD awesome GRACE! Everything when better den before... i got to say the worship leader lead well... And the crowd really supported too! The worship carried on smoothly! AND this time it was really meaningful! It was PURE worship from the heart with the holy spirit workin in us...singin the songs even without the lyrics and music in the background with all our hearts and soul! I really cld feel God's presence there... it was really awesome!!! Its an unforgetable experience!
We den went supper with the NUS crusaders, with some RP crusaders too... I willl really miss those NUS ppl! sighhh! They really brought joy to us Tp crusaders! THANK U PIONEERIN CAMPUS ppl! =)
Hillsong United - The Stand!!!!
SUNDAY!!!! Today was combined service... today worship was great! Especially when the song The stand by hillsong united was played! The chorus part is really niceeee!!!! I rmb when i got back..i listen to this song in replay mode for more than 8 times... dats how good it is!!!
I posted the song! hear it! the chorus is niceee!
The Stand
by Hillsong United
album: United We Stand (2006)
You stood before creation
Eternity within Your hand
You spoke all life into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
Carried the Cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand
So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand
So I’ll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
So I’ll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours
Show me Your heart
Show me Your way
Show me Your glory
I make a good tourism promoter!Today...went for monthly leaders meeting, briefly met our new ysgl.... den met up with shahreel and played pool.... well..i was jus chatting with this israel gal this few days..and i was promoting singapore on how nice it is. She never heard of singapore... so i was tellin her abt how peaceful and clean it is...and how it has the BEST airport in the world and stuff like dat. AND! She Listened to my advice and even told her parents she wanted to come singapore! Its sad to hear that her country is havin a war now with lebanon and they have to seeek shelter almost evertime of the day. well this was wad she said.....
#ÊţėŗňіţỲ-7-11@Ĥôţмăįļ∙Ĉŏм·0 says (01:38):
when i'll be 20 i'll travel all over the world
·#ÊţėŗňіţỲ-7-11@Ĥôţмăįļ∙Ĉŏм·0 says (01:38):
but i will never forget singapore
·#ÊţėŗňіţỲ-7-11@Ĥôţмăįļ∙Ĉŏм·0 says (01:38):
the discription that u said is in my mind nowWah..when i heard this..i felt so happy! Now Singapore is placed on the map! YAY! Can helped singapore tourism!!!!!
Ran 6.4 KM! What a breeze!Today jus ran 6.4 km with some of the cross trainers at macritchie... Jus wanna say! VYAN! U TRICK ME OF 4 BUCKS! This VYAN TANG bluff me that i was late for the run..and i was at the second bus stop waiting for 156! AND this VYAN claimed that i was really late! So i took a cab down rushin like mad! AND when i arrived he said they will onli reach like in 10-15 mins time! WASTED 4 BUCKS! arghhh! oh well... when i got there....there was vyan wearin an ACJC shirt, keith and justin with an SAJC shirt and me wearing the Cj shirt there..quite cool to see 3 of the mssion jc together! ...anyway the run was really good! I didnt noe i had my fitness still.... i paced myself pretty well and ran 6.4 km in 34 mins and 45 seconds. ANd still had energy after the run! I tink i'm prepared to run 10 km soon! Yipeeeee! This mth! I'm gona be on a super fitness enthu plan! plannin to run at least 3 times a week! and find some time for gym and mayb a swim too! Since i'm onli havin one module this block. Monday! Running with joelle at bedok reservior, wednesday with avon?, and friday hopefully with the x-trainers again..although i doubt i can make it in time will run at bedok instead or head the gym...Saturday mayb gym and swim with wen hao? mayb sunday i'm abit too ambitious oready! SO excited this mth! I'm suddenly so crazy abt fitness! Dunno why.... but after not havin time to go gym for one mth due to dat horrible block!!!!Oh yeaa...yesterday..i was chatting with this arabic gal from Israel..she added me from this flixster site... and it was quite cool talkin to somebody stayin so far away from singapore...strangely..she never heard of i was somehow promoting SINGAPORE! But sadly her country is havin a war now with lebanon. Anyway..i'm pretty tired now!!! But not used to sleepin so early nowadays... soooooo i'm like stonin now!
I sld be Happy...but i'm feelin quite sad and worried!!! Btw do i looked like a malay???
WHY! Jus finshed my space form presentation today! AND! RACHNA! Said my model is too low and unproportional!!!! and said i made a huge mistake! she said my previous one was better! I'm really disappointed! I put in sooo much effort to change my whole idea...late nites everyday!AND now this!!! ArgHHHHH!!!!!!!! I'm suppose to be happy dat my block has ended! and tmr i got no skool! But i jus can't stop worryin abt my final grade...if i fail this module..i will get retained!!! NOOOO!
Today had Campus cruasde Mass E...rushed down after skool.. I invited avon..and i'm glad he enjoyed it... but den..during gig..honestly i wasnt really payin attention..i was thinkin abt wad happen earlier! Sighhhhhhh...... :(....
I shared this with Bo chun and joelle...and glad for their encouragement! I believe God is testing me now on how much i trust him... Well as said by joelle..everything happens for a reason!
This is a verse i found in an insirational bk.... "Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will helped you with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10" of the nus crusaders was talking to me..and she asked if i was pure chinese... she thought i spoke like a malay..AND this isnt the first time.... my another IAD friend once thought i was half malay too! Well..mayb bcoz my chinese sux! and i mixed a lot with malays in my sec skool as well as now.
Oh well..tmr i'm gona run with the cross trainers at macritchie!Hope i can forget this troubled day! =)
5 Km run today!!!
Today nothing much..jus finished up comDi readin portfolio....YAY! BINA is so good! Let us not go lesson unitl friday!!!! Infact no more lessons! Yippeee! Comdi actually rocks!
Had my first run in a long time since my cjc cross country abt 5 mths ago! Ran with avon at bedok reservoir...and wad a horrible start.... i ate a heavy lunch of chicken cutlet at abt 3 plus AND ran at abt 4 plus! Sldnt hav ate so lateeeee.... I was like feelin like puking as i started onli abt 100 m...but control it throughout..sigh.... it was a nice palce to run, peaceful, nice scenary..onli the graval part abit hard to run on.... well... surprisingly... eventhough i almost cldnt take it half way as my freakin chest was too pain! STUPID FOOD! So slowed down alot... in the end we still manage one full rd around the reservour abt 5 km in 29 mins... I expected to reach later since i stop halfway..well friady gona run again! hopefullly can run with the x-trainers at macrtichie!!!
After the run..bath at the super nice sports complex!!! and had another training with the crusaders!!!! I really love CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST!!!!!
Now jus finished my Space form presentation! YAY!!!! ANd tmr is an event by NUS crusaders!!!! Can't wait!!!!

(Helllooooooooo! I'm mr kitty of Interior Architecture Design!)
ComDi Presentation Done!!! SMU Visit!
Today surprisingly was our first mock presentation dat became our final presentation! YAY! Bina said dat if we can do a nice presentation ... we dun hav to do again. And our grp was actually totally unprepared! Nas and Russell jus finished the power point presentation the nite before. And immediately the next day was our presentation. WE all NEVER SAW the slides yet..and had to do it all impromptu. We were really a bunch of unorganised ppl. But surprisingly we manage to talk our way thru. A good thing i did my research, so i knew wad extra information to talk about. Yipeee!
After dat...hannan, nasrul, nazri, russell, avon and me hang around at Tampinese mall before our excursion to SMU.... And during the bus ride from tp all the way to SMU, me and avon shared our jc experience... He shared his NYJC experience and I shared with him everything dat happen in cj thorughout the journey and even durin our excursion in SMU. The good old days man! When we were at the SMU...we saw a bunch of ACJC, SAJC and quite a number of top jc students there... I tink they were having their SMU Orientation... well took quite a lot of photos and was quite tired at the end of the day. YAY! I feel so relieved! Most of our work is done!!! Hooray! Tmr goin to jog with avon at bedok reservoir. Really need to start training for y 10 km run soon!!
(Our IAD class after ComDi presentation! Can you find me?)
(Nasrul, NAzri, Me, hannan, russell at pizza hut in Tampines mall..
Avon takin the photo)
(This Mr Bean was at the SMU! SO cuteeeeee)
( A part of SMU)
I WILL BOAST In CHRIST NAME! PIRATES of the Caribbean ROCKS! BBB?Its SUNDAY!!!! Finally a day i can take a break away from models for awhile! Today first song we sang during worhsip was I WILL BOAST! That was the song i heard at fire conference! And i rmb i was jumpin to that song and tellin my friends abt! Its like the same tune as "Tell the world".... We den had a combine small grp session with H20 today. Super BIG grp today! Well after dat...we somehow attended the second service at 1130 too. But well! NO REGRETS! I rmb me, josh, cephas and one more guy were at the backrow. And we decided to JUMPED when the song "I WILL BOAST" was sang! It was the first time i ever jumped in a normal service in YM! And it felt GREAT!We were the onli ppl in there jumping..but i didnt care! It was jus me and God alone! I wanted to worship him the way i few happiest with! And dats JUMPIN for GOD! Wad a work out!HAHA! PTL!After church we... abt 14 of us when to plaza sing for lunch first and me and jem when to book tickets for PIRATES of the Caribbean ! For 11 ppl! And not surprsingly, all the tickets were sold out! Soooo! we den rushed to cathay! And well we got the 305 show...3rd and 2nd row. oh well! At least we got tickets. From here onwards everything just went wrong.....sigh....a lot of unforseem circumstances happened and we were delayed here and there. Arghhh... dats the thing abt big grps. So hard to manage. We were like lost in front at cathay for abt 10 mins decidin who's watchin and who's not. CHAOS! And when we entered! We walk to the wrong theatre and was den directed that it was rite infront. sighhhh.. by the time we got to our seats we missed the start of the show! Arghhhh! Well the screen wasnt dat it was quite comfortable watchin the whole movie! And wad a great funny actioned packed movie it was...lemme give 4.5 out of 5 stars!!! But it ended in such a way there was certainly a PART 3 to it! Btw ppl..there is a very short extra clip after the credits. Oh jus finished most of my project! YAY! Oh nooooooo...its gettin late and i still gtg skool tmr! Sigh! Btw i learned smthin new today! I'm BBB! Blur Banana Ben! HAHA! Well it seems i really dat blur joelle? Well my small grp mates tot so too and so does my stgabs mates, my cj mates, and now tp mates! sighhh...why am i so blurrrrrrr!
EXHAUSTED! TIRED! DEAD BEAT!! IN SERIOUS FATIGUE! STRESS UP!! (projects after projects! so much work!!!arghhh...btw more stories abt the ghost in IAD!Today...shirley said that the photos she tooked with eunice yesterday had a strange yellow figure in the background... i saw it for myself in the not so obvious pic...but it was clear enuff when zoomed in! It showed a yellow figure, with supposely long hair in the background at the corner of the 6th floor from the studio at level 5... where we were at...She deleted the more obvious figures when she was too i saw the not so obvious one in her com today....but it was clear freak out someone! Its really freaky!!!We stayed late again to do our model!!! Can't take the stress! I'm sooo tired oready! Tmr need to stay agian! sighhhh..... after skool.....russell, the malay guys, timothy, shirley and eunice ate dinner at the coffee shop outside skool....and had a nice chatting session abt all kind of stuff..fromm sec skool days toooo, too explicit content (so cannot mentioned)..hahha! oh well....i'm seriously dead beat now! =(
Wad a nite at IAD studio! GHOST!!!! Strange soundsss! Spooky!Today we had to stay overnite to do our model! We heard alottt of stories from the other IAD class who had experience weird things the last time on a thursday too! And u noe wad! Thursday is where in pulau tekong.... they stop training too..bcoz of some reason..u noeeeee "dirty" stuff... Well we were all waiting for something to happened! the malay guys, me, russel, imma, dee dee, eunice,eileen and shirley stayed late in the niteee.... eunice was scaring me the whole nite la.... with her creepy voice when she sang this creepy tone with her red hair! eerieeeeee.... We ordered macs delivery..and ate in the studio..................I wanted to see wads with this light box at the yr 3 the far end... so i went there with some of them and i heard strange noise...mayb i was imaginin things..or it may be from the upstairs..oh well.... later on..... this followin paragraph is from eileen personal encounter... jus copied and paste it here..haha...(dee dee heard somethign was in the studio with shirley-eunice-deedee-ben-russell-the other malays guys.saw something.thought the seniors playing a fool.wanted to make sure.looked again.saw.confirmed.asked shirley to lets go home.she asked why.i said just go.heard some sounds "clak clak clak"eunice's head suddenly turned towards the sound's direction.knew she heard.asked her.she denied.keep pushing them to go home.eunice said awhile after denying.that she wants to go home too.looked at me.and go... "ya i know"while packing up,deedee asked where's her shoes.shirely said issit near de yr 2s area.where de sounds came from.deedee went to findeunice followed.heard de sound again.deedee heard too.she screamed.all de girls screamed.damn freaked out.all packed up fast and left.while walking past the lightbox area [we are outside alr]deedee saw the door at that area opened by itself.then closed back.eunice and me walked past.saw in the door's glass.a red face.abit translucent.eunice thought it was my cap at 1st.cuz i wore my cap to school and it has red on the lift then i told eunice.she was like, "omg. i thought its your cap."then we were like, "WTF"then.lift door opened.asshole russell boo-ed and eunice, being freaked out enough,got shocked. cried.all left school ASAP.that time happened once also.though that time i only heard.was in the toilet in the same floor.the partition between the two cubicles.heard.two. SLOW. LOUD. knocks on the partition.went out.knew no one came in and i was de only one.kept myself day. told my classmates.they said they saw stuffs in the studios.same night.and its a thursday night.about 8plus pm.and today is always THURSDAY.and it happened about 8.50pm to 9pm.SCREW thursday.)So that was a personal recount from a friend who saw and heard it too! I was so curious to see for myself...but i didnt see anything... the strange thing was...eilieen and eunice saw the same thing after they discuss wad they all saw in then lift..and the doors openin by itself was creepy...after we left..we saw the yr 2 at the bus stop..they say they experience this it was nothing to them... we were jus told by one yr 2 at the corridor to faster leave when dee stared at the door window! errieeeeeee.....wad an experience..and tmr we hav to stay again! for more model worked to do! Yippeeee!
Fire Conference! at indoor stadium! Guest ppl! Reinhard bonke! and Paul Baloche!
Played soccer in the morning with charles and his acs buddies and i tink i broke my right toe! I kick the ground super hard! And now i'm like strugglin to even walk! Arghhhhh...
Later went to the indoor stadium with 3 of my small grp members, joshua, justin and ellen for the youth rally at 230 pm. Had a great time of worship and a good msg too.
We didnt planned to go for the nite healing service at first but we den decided to go after enjoyin ourselves at the youth rally. Soo we headed to suntec for dinner before rushing back to the indoor stadium for the nite service at 730. We got pretty good seats. The worship was lead by Paul Baloche a well known singer and composer. he compose songs such as "above all" and "open the eyes". We went to the front of the stage where we worship like as freely as we cld. The ppl in the front were all hype out for god! Jumping! And worshipping their hearts out! I was influence by the crowd and started jumping too! Expecially when they played this song "i boast in christ name'! It was like in the same tune as my favourite song "tell the world". So i cld relate to it really well..i was jumpin even with my painful toe. But it seems to subside when i was high for God! I can't believe i'm really jumpin! Its such a great feelin! At the end of worship.i was like almost temporally deaf from the loud music up close.
Reinhard bonke the well known, evangelist then came up and shared the gospel. He was a very powerful speaker. In my opinion the most powerful speaker i ever heard of to date. He showed a video of his preaching in africa on how he preached to 100 million ppl! THere was scences that was like soo unbelieveble! Millions and millions of ppl gathering to listen to his msg. He even shared on how he God gave him spiritual gifts such as healing. If i'm not wrong, he was the guy that either revive a dead or he was revive from the dead. At the end of his msg. He ask the ppl who wanted the batism of the holy spirit and go to the front. I and my friends decided to go to the front. I really wanted to have the feelin like my Ym camp and wanted the experience first hand like speaking in tongues. And how the holy spirit can really touched ur heart. I was pretty nervous when i was walkin to the front. I was like expecting a lot! And when reinhard bonke prayed for the ppl infront and taught us wad to do. I jus followed and really tried. But i didnt get the gift f tongues although i heard ppl around me suddenly speaking in them. Reinhard was also sayin smthing like this was also healing process where some may get healed when touched by the holy spirit. I was expecting so much... my emtions actually ran wild abit. As it was getting pretty deep and intense... but in the end honestly nothing else happen...Oh well.... i cant expect so much , God will let things happen when the time is right.. . But it was quite an experience though.
(scene at the indoor stadium of nite rally of fire conference)