RIGHT now in my heart i'm just BEAMING with EXCITEMENT!
God really never fails to surprise you! And that was in my QT topic for the past week too!
I felt something was missing in YM GAP for the last couple of mths...not sure if it was just me, but I realized that I was there for the sole purpose of just meeting fellow christians after a long day of work and not actually PRAYING which is the main reason why we are actually there!
Its like GAP became a routine for me...worship-sharing-praying-fellowship over supper...EVERY FRIDAY! and prayers become so short! and I felt we were praying just for the sake of it?
It shouldn't be just like a routine.. It has to be Spirit led! Every prayer have to be prayed by the Spirit and not just praying from our flesh.
Right now it's like a fresh fire has ignited in me again!! its like this fresh experience of GOD's presence AGAIN! It was like this dry period for me this last couple of mths! And I was wondering WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME! I still had small experiences here and there...But as i look back...God sure knows how to prepare for this MEGA "SURPRISE" today after a long dry period!
He showed me a verse last week "We LIVE by FAITH not by SIGHT"(couple entries ago).... and I have been claiming upon that ever since. Its not always abt having that tangible experience with GOD everyday,sometimes he just SEEM distance despite his PRESENCE actually always there with us. GOD will SHOW HIMSELF if we actually ALLOW IT to happen! We certainly need to EXPECT AND WANT to MEET WITH GOD each day!
Well one thing for sure! I felt so encourageee today! From the very spirit led worship by Matthias and that Inspiring sharing by Sandy.....
This are some verse i have took from Galatians 5 (shared today)..read the whole thing from Verse.1-21 for the full context...
8For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9(for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10and find out what pleases the Lord.
14for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
"Wake up, O sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you."
15Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
21Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Sandy shared the history of YM GAP...and today was actually the first time I heard a more detailed story of that PROPHECY from the 2 youths,where one suddenly spoke in tongues and another suddenly had the gift of interpretation at a ym camp 5 yrs ago. The prophecy mentioned that "we need to PRAY in UNITY" and the cliques in ym WILL BREAK! AND MOST OF ALL!! YOUTHS WILL start RISING UP! ANDDDDDDDDD WESLEY YM WILLL SEE REVIVAL!!!! ... well there are more to come....
I really appreciate Matthias for his very honest open sharing to me that encouraged me so much that night! It assured me that there are other fellow like minded youths out there who has THIS COMMON PASSION! It's like this common vision that GOD has place deep in our hearts! We sldn't give up praying for YM! Prayer is really one thing that CAN AND WILL CHANGE things if we prayed by the Spirit! It's like suddenly both of us was just praying our hearts out! With just the 2 of us in that room we felt so vulnerable on our knees in total surrender to God's will... that whatever we just felt led by the Spirit to pray..we JUST PRAYED and SAY it out! And thats something which I have only learnt so recently (from the book "the Life you always wanted: spiritual discipline book by John Ortberg" )
When we pray! whatever prompting we get in our heart! JUST PRAY! as thats how the Spirit guides one to pray!
If I looked back the last 3 yrs ever since God gave me this huge burden in my heart to be that CHANGEMAKER for GOD in YM and always hoping to see a revival in YM.... It was only today that I can say i'm 100 % ABSOLUTELY without A DOUBT of this vision that GOD has set in place in YM! It's like this sudden ASSURANCE that I KNEW WITHOUT a shadow of a doubt that GOD WILL DO WHAT HE HAS PROMISED US AND YM WILL DEFINITELY SEE REVIVAL in HIS time! And I somehow sense that time is veryyyyyyyyyyy veryyyyyyyyyyyy near!!!
On the way back home, had this very edifying conversation with Ian as we were talking abt the IMPORTANCE of encouraging one another. And this is what will bring a ministry together,this can possibly make a jaded person just on fire again. And this is something where Christians got to do in order to preserve in the Faith Journey each day.
Like what matthias shared with that night. We can't do this alone...WE NEED EACH OTHER! We all need to have this common goal in sight of us! WHICH IS GOD! the perfecter and author of our FAITH! and in order to prepare for YM REVIVAL to come... we FIRST need to RISE UP and STEP UP for our Sovereign Lord in UNITY! No matter what we are going to praise him! No matter what we will keep on praying!
And i see a POWERFUL ENDTIME ARMY of young people rising up for God...And the LORD is building that in YM right now!!!
WESLEY YM is and WILL SEE REVIVAL and I BELIEVED IT TOTALLY and this assurance from GOD is something i just cant explain BUT i KNOW it will happen NO MATTER WHAT! =)
"Let us not become weary in doing good,for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9
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