Intense SM Training today!!! And DINNER at SERANGOON PRATA!! hehe..near my hse!Today got up very earlyyyyyy! for a Discipleship and Recruitment com meetin at 8 am at harbourfront macs first... we gone thru a detailed discussion and wrap up of our meeting before presenting the ideas to irene in the sm training later in the afternoon... we rush thru colouring and writing a birthday card for joelle before she came! Phew! we kept it in time when she arrive! Then took a bus to GCTC for our crusade training which starts at 10... At GCTC...had GAMES first ...led by yapmin... played charades! phew... i almost had that game plan for my games which i was suppose to lead later in the afternoon... den had a great time of worship lead by phyllis and bo chun! And my favourite song MIGHTY TO SAVE!!!! first time singing that!!!Later a t 11 am had a session led by Ronald,SP staff was a good session abt "Prayer in a Spiritual Movement!!!" and it really reinforce me how important pray is! And i 100% agreee with it! Even recently, when i first went for my first ever YM gap, where we come togther every friday nite jus to pray for YM. And actually last time i have this fear of praying in a grp..especially to ppl i dunno... but after much has happen to me lately, and how my spiritual growth has grown tremendously after the wonderful experience at the recent YM leaders retreat where i got my gift of tongues! prayer has really become an important lifestyle for me! and i'm loving it! :D I now enjoy and looked forward to pray meetings, where we come together to pray for a common vision! Like said in matthew chapter 18:20 "For where to or three gather come together in my name, there i am with them". So his msg today really continue to encourage me the power of pray, he even said how his SP guys use to pray like 5 times a week, every morning at some mini hill in sp. He gave another e.g. of how the koreans pray like 4.30 am evey mornin! And thats how korea had REVIVAL! ever since 1907!!! Praise the LORD! I also learned how pray can work wonders and how that, God will answer ur prays if u seek him! BUT! it must be from the heart and for the right reason! Even thru my past QT... i learned that we sld pray thru the spirit and from the heart! Our lesson when overtime and so irene had to go buy packet lunch back for us... ended abt 1245... had lunch and den a looooooooong 1 hr sharing session from each of us abt wad we learn from the lesson and our spiritual walk as well as wad we did in our holidays! I shared abt how the pray meetings really encourage me! and wad i experience only jus last friday the wonderful time spend with God jus in pray for Ym! dats wad i looked forward for it to happen in TP crusade too! we must meet up weekly jus to pray for TP revival!!! Well..we went overtime again, so cldnt do the second half of the games which was led by me...but i'm ok with we when on the the next session on Evangelism in a Spiritual Movement led by irene! I was actually kind of abit tired from the long day by then... so was quite quiet.. irene pointed that out to me... well but despite feelin tired and quite comfortable at that sofa! with my 2 eyes pillow! haha! i still manage to absorb the lesson! We read a good passage on Acts 16:19-34 abt paul and silas and wad they did when they were locked up in prison..and den later sharing christ with the jailer and the family too after the prison doors was opend from an earthquake!! That was how God work miraculously for even the jailer to be saved! It was another good session in the end...and we then follow by a long presenting of our ideas of the D & R, LM, Gen 12ii, E &P comm! And finally end off the day celebrating Joelleeeee SEVENTEEN BIRTHDAY in advance!... And we had a mini hangman game between design and engine! and we trash them 3-0! hhaha! DESIGN ROCKS!!! ok that was random! There was this cool thing on the way back..the guys helped this crusade staff...and we really prayed for his taxi to come! and indeed God answered our pray! The taxi came immediately and we help with his stuff!And we all den headed in a big Tp crusade grp with Amber joinin us to SERANGOON for PRATA! hahaha! i actually dunno why they wanted that place, bcoz it was jus for this prata ice cream jess wanted... but it was okay la...jus wanted to go there bcoz its NEAR MY HSE! hahha! rite yapmin! well had a good fellowship over dinner and after dat as usual, we were talkin abt the BANG game again! its soooo fun lor! we even tot of buyin that deck of cards... and it will be Tp crusade trademark game now! no more polar bear! hahha! :PWell like to end off by saying CAMPUS CRUSADE ROCKS!!!!!!!! HAHha! It really been God's plan for me to join this! And i've been really benefiting a lot spiritually and learning to be a leader thru crusade after summits!, retreats!,sm trainings!, and conferences!!!! Another steppin stone for me as i help assist lead my small grp God's Clay as well as future crusade dgs!!
YM Service on Online games!Today service was pretty interesting... it was abt online games by adriel... At the start of his service he asked all of Ym to stand..and den those who dun play online games can seat! I actually dun play online games lor and stop computer games after lost interest in it after the o'levels... but ONLY! yesterday... this CHARLES! ask me to play winning eleven with him online! And this was my first time for a few mths since i played an online game lor! sooo i had to be honest and carried on standin... well... anyway adriel was sharin abt how this games are can be related to satanism... especially games like warcraft and how it affect ur life when u get addicted to this games! I fully agree with wad he shared, bcoz i hav friends who are REALLY addicted to warcraft (DOTA) and they dun admit it! Their whole life revolve around it! These ppl really need a life man! And the next freaky thing was... he showed us this song of the well known song..Hotel california by The eagles... I didnt noe the lyrics were actually soooo evil! abt some haunted hse! and like really satanic! It sound like a cheery song at first but its NOT! Justin sent me the song jus now...and i when to backtrack it from windows recorder! And from 4.48 mins into the song..the words said " satan organise its on religion"! Eeeeeeee! creepy!!!! Well... i'm really SAD... MAN UTD drew with READING 1-1! The first thing i woke up the first msg i receive was from charles ..and he msg me the score 1-1 lor! Wad a thing to start the day! and worst of all! all of man utd rivals are thrasing their opponents with Liverpool, arsenal and chelsea winnin all their games! ARGhhhhhh!
Today played soccer at ccab with tw,charles and his acs barker friends and some of his austrialian friends as well as SONG team! It was one pretty good match! Scored abt 3-4 goals... my accuracy was pretty spot on today... did a few "ALONSO" strikes! Manage to score one from one end of the futsal court to the other end during practise!!! But had to like take abt 10 shots to get that one in! Now my right toe hurt abit from all those long range shots! Later hang out with charles, dean , zhi wei and his aussie school mate henry... This henry guy was from stgabs primary too but one yr my senoir... he knew a couple of ppl i knew too, like one of them who was my soccermate, teck kwan.... we talk abt old times at st gabs primary and all those werid teachers like my 6 D form teacher Mr Tan yan san who was a discipline master but a regular SMOKER! ...and MR NG ENG GEE! I will never forget that name! the guy that made me hate chinese! Aiyooooo! but it was fun re-living the primary skool days... This aussie guy was one guy with international blood in him man... his half mauritian, half indonesian, German citizen, Singapore PR(born in singapore) and now studying in Australia...
We ate at this super goood chicken rice place at Far east Level 5!! Its one of the best... or THE best chicken rice ever man! Yumm Yumm! :P... charles had to leave first... after slackin at the seven 11 there... and den we headed of walkin aimlessly in orchard...we collected free roses which was given out, and flyers as we walk by... we slacked at cineleisure, den heerens and watched some busker performance jus to kill time... at the end of the day...we collected abt 3-4 flyers, freebies and roses.... what an interesting day! CHarles now i noe wad u mean by walkin aimlessly with this guys at orchard! But it was quite fun though!!!!
(Dean did this with the rose at the 156 bus entrance... it looked
like a funeral... of 156!!!! and we observe how singaporeans see this
when they entered the bus! and it was so funny seeing this lady staring
at it... while most was oblivion to it!)
Great YM GAP session!!!! We sld come for it and PRAY for YM!!!Today went for ym gap for the first time... really got to thank Andrew lai for inviting me. And wow! it was one great session! No regrets going at all! and now i will make a point to come evey friday nite jus to pray for YM!Andrew was saying how normally onli abt 4-5 ppl turn up...and they weren't plannin to hav worship today due to the small number of ppl and nobody who really can lead worship. But when i arrive and drag vyan and charles along. There were a total of abt 10 ppl from ym who turn up including us! Great! And sandy who was leadin was sayin we sld hav worship too despite not really preparing for it... so jiemin started of with a song... and it was pure free worship without any instrument at all! we continued with times of real SILENCE! Jus meditating on God! and it was really nice to have this quiet time and peace reflecting and waiting for God to speak to us. It was quite a refresh from the busy mths i jus overcome! We later broke into smaller grps and started to pray for ym, ourselves or anything under the sun... andrew,charles and me went to a quiet room next door... and jus started to have a loooong pray session... it was my first time doin this... and i was afraid at the start of not knowin wad to pray at first... but as i prayed with the spirit... It open our hearts...and we prayed and prayed non stop for the Ym camp, the ymers, the leaders and almost everything dat the spirit lead us to pray.. i hav never prayed so loong in my life! We even had some short silence where we really reflected and have this personal time jus with God! and i tell u it was GREAT! Jiemin and vyan joined us in pray later and we closed in awhile time. We den join the rest and ended of with another song. And it was GREAT man! Free worship without any instrument is really something! We jus sang as the spirit lead us! Later had a great fellowship time with those gap ppl at Carl's Junior for supper!!!! So ymers! we sld go for YM GAP every friday at 8 pm!!! YEAAA!!!!
What an eventful for my first day of my HOLIDAY!!!Started off my first day of my holiday with a street soccer match at serangoon north with my stgabs mates and charles which i invited along... my right toe has finally recovered! I played with ease! But den.... i kena RAM in my left eye by the ball! And i was knock out for a moment! I felt my left eyeball squeeze in! And i tot dats it! My whole left eye vision was affected the entire day...and it still hurts now... with a slight cut too.... OUCH!!!!!!!Later in the afternoon joined charles ACS barker friends in town after lunch at bishan J8... Lemme see if i can rmb their names (zhiwei,dean, chin woo?)...well i knew most of them before... so wasn't so awkward...and i didnt regret hangin out with them man! They are one fun bunch of ppl! We were hangin out around town the entire afternoon and playin pool at lucky plaza... and here comes the WEIRD PART!... we decided to head to Far east plaza! and whilee waiting at some bench at one part of far east... Dean who was on my left suddenly turn to his right and looked at this direction with the expression! "WHAT THE!!!" Followed by zhiwei...with the same SHOCKED expression!!! I look in that direction..tryin to figure out wad happen...i jus saw two ladies in this shop... at first i was thinkin wad cld hav happen? I tot mayb they were lesbians? But to my HORROR!!!!! I looked closer and SAW this GUY! Wearing a TIGHT PINK LADIES SHIRT! WITH A FEMALE HANDBAG!!! AND IT WAS KUMAR!!!(the singapore comedian) And we were like all SHOCKED and Felt so disgusted!!!! we den wanted to follow him or her! ... and soon enuff... another HORROR Scene came! I saw this plum middle age lady! DRESS in this OUTSTANDING like ballerina Dress!!! AND With this baby headband? thingy wrap around her head...(i dunno how to explain it!) but u noe those baby wear on their head one... dunno wad its called... And her expression on her face wasnt a normal sane person i tell u... i took a glance and ask charles if he saw it... he had the same SHOCKED LOOK! We den went up the escalater with that lady followin behind us..and we ask dean and zhiwei if they saw the same thing! and they were like! YESSSSSS! DEAN WAS so DISGUSTED He PUNCHED THE WALL! (Dunno why he did that) But that was how HORRIBLE that sight was! We immediately walk far away from her... I can't believe i'm sayin all this abt ppl... but then seriously... i cant explain how awful that sight was lor! It literally made my HAIR stand! ewwwwwwwwww! sane person will wear such and OUTSTANDIN DRESS with a BABY HEADBAND!!!!!!!! in FAR EAST! WHAT has SINGAPORE BECOME!!! Well wad an evetful day it was having good fellowship time with my friends!
Great Campus Crusade SM Conference! REFRESH!!!!!!Today SM conference at the third place was really a refresh for me!!! It was nice finally being able to come to the third place, always wanted to visit there... its quite a nice place with a cafe like setting, with a pool table there. Our small grp sld visit one of their service there one day.... okay back to the conference.... it started of with a really great worship session by the NP band... and the songs played were really meaningful! the amplifier was not bad! Den watch a video of this pastor from US.... we tot it was john piper..haha..but was another guy! funny guy!.... the message was pretty good..talkin abt the relationship between simon peter and jesus christ. On how jesus wants to affirm that simon peter still love him despite him denyin him 3 times... later there was this short interview session from a freshie ,seniors(wanteng) and staff(irene)... and den LUNCH!!! Lunch was gooood! love the noodles!... ate 2 servings of the buffet!... and as usual! TRP! will play!................u noe wad!YESSS u guess it!!!!!!! POLAR BEAR!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHA! quite fun! i was the hunter! and i got my first kill rite! I guess that daniel was the polarbear! AND Sure he was!!!...After dat we had another programme by this staff... it was quite an inspiring msg... she shared dat we sld be REAL! and to be real with ourselves... we need a close intimate relationship with GOD! She also shared abt wad a discipler or disciple sld have... "HANDS" and "HEART" which means skills and character... she shared her story abt her husband on how he started a crusade ministry in Vietnam... and it was really a miracle...u noe wad... her husband was onli given a photo of this guy in vietnam to look for to start of this ministry...and how is he goin to find this guy in the whole of vietnam? U noe wad! BCOZ of GOD's Grace! The first person he showed the photo to this guy... and that guy knew the guy in the photo!!! WE WERE LIKE 0.0! PTL!!!! And another thing from her msg that spoke to me was... JESUS taught by modelling... so disciples learned from disciplers DOING.... we mus show a good example by DOING! and not by saying... she gave an example of how this Dgl use to go all the way from his hse in the east to the west at 630 am to his disple hse to do quiet time with him!!!! I really RESPECT that discipler! Thats wad i mean by DOING! ....... we den had campus time to continue our TP crusade plans and den games! and refreshing our vision time... by goin to different station of different ministry in crusade... and den Ron end of with a msg and a really nice song to end off! The heart of worship! well....... by the time everythin ended it was overtime at abt 6.50 oready... and we had dinner at the famous tiong bahru market! We queued for this very looooooooong queue fishball noodles lor, abt half and hr i tink.... well it was okay la.... not fantastic for me... but the other crusaders love it! we den prayed for those who wasnt feelin wanteng grandmother, bo chun and joelle.... a good day too end with! got to catch up with seraph who i got to noe from CIA camp too! and more fellowship with crusaders! nowwwwww.... gotta go skool tmr!! to finsh my dustbin design! arghh! i want my holiday! i needd itttt!
Successful TRP BBQ! and The HYPEST Ym service today!...Saturday!... Was our TRP BBQ! and the pioneerin campus and some other crusade staff visiting us! joelle,wen hao and me was suppose to organise the ice breakers and games! And it was kind off a success too! phew... we plan this games only jus the nite before lor... or rather saturday 3 am! AND its actially quite fun being the game master especially for the dare games! Seein the crusaders doin silly stuff we told them to do! HAHHA! =D... It was really nice meeting up with klement which i didnt see for a long time and also the pioneering campus ppl. Had a wonderful fellowship!!!!!SUNDAY!!!!! Today was one of the HYPEST YM service ever!!! Eugene lead worship really well.... only jus the day before i heard from the drummer caleb dat eugene was gona introduced jumpy songs to YM again! And sure he did!!!! Immediately the first song was SALVATION IS HERE, REFLECTOR! ONE WAY!!!!!!!!!!! (the forth day in the row i've been singing this song since the SM retreat and BBQ!), KING OF MAJESTY!!!! and some nice worship song, (forgot the title for the first), but followed by FROM THE INSIDE OUT and ending of with MAJESTY !!! Wad a worship session! all my favourite songs!Jus like camp! and i was jumpin even though i was the onli one in the front row doin that, my changemaker buddy vyan wasnt there!...but who cares! I love GOD and i will worship GOD freely! I later heard from nicole that abt 4 other ppl were jumpin at the back too! so thats good! ... message was abt pentecost by pastor Alvin Chan... and me and ellen had to lead small grp we had a discussion on that topic sharin our own personal experience when we felt the holy spirit with us... and for the first time... i shared with my grp the experience i had recently from the leaders retreat...abt how the Holy spirit touched my heart and i got the gift of tongues! ...well it was a good session in the end... and i decided to go for the second service too! HAHHA! so some of my small grp members followed me! And this time i was warm up oready for more!!!!!! And i was at a hyper mood now! I even saw pastor alvin chan jumpin to the song one way! And when i turn back..i saw! Abt 6-8 ppl in the crowd was jumpin and worshippin God freely even with a smaller crowd in the 1130 service. I was soo glad that this ppl had the same vision for YM! to really passionately worship GOD! Even pastor Alvin told Ym that when he took a glance back...he saw many hands lifted up worshippin God with all their heart! This is really wad Ym sld be! But stilll...... There is still much prayer needed for YM revival! The 930 service was actually quite dull still...although there were more ppl! but least theres the fire in most of the 1130 ppl. BUT overall.... we still need all youths in YM! to catch this FIRE for GOD!!! and like wad nicole said! "WE ARE JESUS CRAZY!"