Immediately after coming back from camp, from monday till today (saturday)...its been like back to back non stop gatherings after gatheringsss! And wowww! Its been so happening and busy busyy... i havent got time to do my FYP at ALL! ...
Monday (Headed to glenn's,isaac place for some pot luck party, played World tour there!)
Sister Evangelistic birthday cum Christmas party! (some happeningsssssss there!)
Tuesday- Candle light service! (Candlelight service with my small grp!) (The LOVELY God's clay!)
Wedsnesday! (charles,benlei and me headed to charles place to make cookies for our small grp!) (our cookies ended up becoming brownies, cupcakes too! =P...) (wrapping them up!)
One of my most HAPPIEST CHRISTMAS DAY EVER! nice christmas service! headed for lunch with my small grp!!!! (our new leaders for God's clay for 2009! Moonie our LEADER! And Justin our asisstant leader!)
(cherie "acting" all innocent during polar bear!) (FINALLY got a newww bag after 3 years! Been contemplating on getting a similar bag like this for more than a year! Thanks to cherie for helping me decide on getting this bag!)
After watch TWILIGHT with my small grp! Its a prettty good show actually! Bcoz i didnt read the book! So the plot and the character development seems good!
Got home for dinner, then rush to charles place for a mini sleep over playing WORLD TOUR!
(Keith,vyan,elliot,song and thong came over to charles hse!)
Friday! Woke up at charles place abt 8am!
Headed to the bus stop... took the crowded bus 190 at 840am! And it was so PACKED... my left foot got caught in the bus door when it close! It was CRUSHED! And someone had to like notify the bus driver... when i thought that was bad enough... on the way out of that SAME bus, the door CLOSE ON ME AGAIN just when i was halfway going down! Sigh... anyways my foot was hurting till the run...
After that gym with gladwin at SAFRA mt faber... lunch and then met up with the XTs later...
Crosstrainers run/outing to Macritchie! (whooo ronda wanting to kiss max......=P)
(The run!.....................................kheng playing with the water)
(the run that became a nature was just so enjoyable seeing all the wonderful animals so upclose! like they were within our touch!)
(phew 9.5km done!)
(Dinner and nice wash up at YWCA before heading for GAP) (YM GAP at Fort canning!!!... special time of worship,sharing and prayer in the OPEN!) (The nice looooong sharing time we had!)
Saturday The mini God's clay "day" retreat at ellen's wonderful BIG HOUSE!
(with pool table ,a REAL swimming pool, even a LIFT!) (we slack at her nice cosy room for quite a loooong while!) (the wonderful pot luck spread!) (LUNCH!)
(The groups! The PS 3 Rock band on one side and the other side at the piano people playing with real instruments!...) (the nice catch ups and sharing we had! for more than 2 hrs straight!!!!) (moonie taught me how to play piano today! A crash course in 20mins! feel so accomplished!) (dinner at adam road! The super good Nasi lemak there!) Its going to GOD's CLAY OFFICIAL LAST DAY IN WESLEY YM tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! After more than 8 years in this youth ministry!!!! we got to graduateeee from here...
Wesley YM Camp 2008! KING OF GLORY!!!! 18-21 December at Prince George Park,NUS!
The deepest Ym camp for me yet......
A video of the whole YM CAMP 2008 Courtesy of Keith Woo...
(photos courtesy of different people from facebook and some of my own photos) DAY 0- Advance party (Wednesday,17 december) Headed to church early before a mad rush to get all the last min things done and some printing of stuff, packed the stuff and we headed to PGP from church...
(MR SMILEY... the left overs after our lunch there)
Preparation of Logistics! (preparing the monopoly game!) (The MONOPOLY Map in PGP!)
Some time together at advance party after the prayer walk... (after the prayer walk..............did some stuffs) (Dinner PIZZAAAAAAA!)
(pumping of the GYM Balls at Mph!) (preparing of the monopoly game!)
(Video-We played Touch Rugby with those gym balls)
(Video-We were Practicing the Auction Round of the monopoly while the worship team was practicing)
Day 1- Thurs,18 December Met my camp grp ADONAI,1.1 from Tribe ELIJAH! (the icebreakers!)
(matthias catwalk) (each of our grp took turns to pain the ELIJAH flag! Somehow we got all the symbolism of Elijah like the mountain than wind,water,fire and all that! BUT we didnt had time to write the most important thing! OUR TRIBE NAME on it!) (TRIBE ELIJAH!)
(Jia en, me,avril all had to do poses!...Those poses was actually from me following cherie who was sitting infront of the stage demostrating what pose... as i had seriously no idea what pose to do!)
(our grp Adonai ,1.1 was the FIRST GRP to do duty for serving food!) (the GAME OF LIFE! Which TRIBE ELIJAH WON!)
(night rally!... before worship started)
First night session...
Coming into a right relationship with God I totally agreed with how Rev Phillip huan started his first series of sermons with the MOST FUNDAMENTAL thing about a our whole christian life, which goes very back to our own personal relationship and fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ EVERY SINGLE day of our life!
Day 2, Friday,19 December Morning Session... (The deep teaching of the WORD by our keynote speaker Rev Dr Philip Huan) (The Altar board where we all put down our commitments and prayers to the Lord)
MONOPOLY-King of Glory version! This is the BIGGEST and MOST COMPLEX game we ever planned for a YM CAMP!!! And we heard pretty good feedbacks from this! (.this was during the auction round! As grps bid for their properties!)
(I was showing the Crosstrainers around the Exact Monopoly map in PGP before the actual event)
Some of the activities at each property! (Swing racer and ball to body)
(the water shooting game and the JAIL!) (this is the group i was attached too... 2.2 Jireh!)
(They just stole from another group 20% of their CASH!)
(At the end of the game! Strange people rolling on the floor.)
(my lovely camp grp! Adonai!!!!!!! They all got totured at JAIL) (My lovely group Adonai!) (One of the BEST shots at the camp! Almost all the campers after the monopoly game!.. The Crosstrainers are the red people!And right in the front row, Glenn and I doing the "X", "T" sign!)
(The group 2.2 Jireh was doing a cheer for me!)
Night rally After another deep message, this time about that MARKED LIFE... Each of us has this Higher calling! And Jesus is our Cornerstone to direct us to our calling in life
During this whole camp, this is the first time i'm officially serving as a prayer minister, where we had to go thru a training course and knowing the meaning for being such ministers of God before we cld even pray for the youths.
And its always an honoured to be use by God to minister to this youths during the altar call, and although this time is more of giving instead of receiving, i felt that God was with me through out, and after the whole thing i was praying in the front for an assurance for that, as since i didn't had the chance to be prayed for at least i wanted to see His work being done.
And then during my small grp sharing after this night session, a few of them who was around the front was sharing with me how when they actually felt God's presence so strongly when i was praying for my disciple nick, personally to me that's an answered prayer for that assurance, and another assurance was when i heard that this sec 1 youths whom i was directed to pray for initially didn't want to be prayed for but somehow later he felt God actually touching his heart and that he even cried... this is really a first time that i could see God touching so many youths hearts at closer level, but at the end of the day i'm only use as that instrument for the Lord!
God's clay reunion...sharing timeeee and the many catch ups!!! (had some nice sharing with my smal grp!) (Steph and ellen is back from america!!!!!!.. they manage to drop by CAMP!) (cherie sharing about her powerful testimony of God's goodness abt the night rally before this...when how Rev Philip Huan actually pointed her row out in one of his illustrations)
(My Lovely God's clay! Our usual reunion to meet up during camps!!! This is one group out of the manyy manyyy grps i have that i treasure the most!!! The grp that i have been with since we were all tiny youths =) ... )
Day 3, 20 December,Saturday (A really interesting workshop about Science and the bible from Dr Aw)
Afternoon... Spend a looooooooong time with some sharings, and a bible study...really treasured this time alot as its the longest i cld spend with them in the 3 days so far...
(our final night dinner! Finally much better food!!!) The FINAL NIGHT!A powerful message from Adriel about THE CROSS of Jesus Christ!
We need to come back to the cross today– the triumph of greatest victory, the price of the greatest sacrifice.The cross is all about heroes – of those who would live for the greatest victory, and die for the greatest calling.
(Picture this wonderful scene that happen after that message,Almost everyone from the entire CAMP nearly more than 300 youths and leaders in unity kneeling down,prostrate to the floor and in TOTAL Surrender to the Cross in the center of the hall! Remembering the day when Jesus Christ Died on the cross for ALL OUR SINs and gave us that greatest victory over the devil!
As i knelt down, a deep sense of love just felt my heart that i cldn't help it that i cldnt control my emotions, somehow no tear came out but i was like crying... (i dunno why i dun cry with tears) ... but I just felt a very deep connection with the Lord...... and people around me all just started breaking down and crying before the Lord... and it was one night that i will never forget..seeing all this youths in Wesley YM in total Surrender to the LORD!
For those who didn't know, Ding was sharing on either day 0 or day 1 to the leaders that he had a vision of all the youths kneeling down and that was his view of REVIVAL to come...and WOW.... it HAPPENED on that DAY 3... and you know we didn't expect this at all! The FIRST FIRST Orignal plan was to have night games! And then later it was change to a night prayer walk! And then.... at the very last min we all felt that the Holy Spirit was leading us deeper!And all this while the Holy Spirit was there interceding and guiding us all in the process in seeing the KING OF GLORY in FULL STRONG PRESENCE in that Hall!
And after this whole time in deep contemplation before the LORD before the nite session was about to be over, i remember when my disciples jem and nick just came to me and prayed for me! And that really touched my heart so deeply! And as i prayed for them too,I cld really sense GOD SO STRONGLY moving in us as its like i started crying as I prayed for them... its really a HUGE GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT to see my dicisciples growing so much over the years and now seeing them even more mature than before and the most encouraging thing was to see the LORD MOVING in their life! I LOVE THEM SOOOO MUCH and so glad they cld come for this camp! (after the time of contemplation before the cross, various grps came together to pray and share with one another) (Yiu Jin,Elliot,me,sarah!) (Ding our Camp commandant with his camp comm!!!!) (The plaza area on the last nite! Grps were there sharing with one another)
Day 4, Sunday, 21 december (our last time together at our usual spot where we did our grp devotions and bible study) (ADONAI!!! Front row- Andrea Tan, Joan,Tricia,Alysia,Vania, Andrea Menon,Second row- Sulyn(AGL), Ben Lau(GL), Mavis,Caroline, Emma, Back row- Nicholas,Keith,Greg,Ryan)
(ADONAI!!! Front row- Andrea Tan, Joan,Tricia,Alysia, Andrea Menon,Second row- Sulyn(AGL), Ben Lau(GL), Mavis,Caroline, Emma,Vania Back row- Nicholas,Keith,Greg,Ryan... The missing peoplewe pointing too... Adriel (Mentor), Kexin, Fong, Jia An) (The CROSSTRAINERS!) (Nicholas chen (our future crosstrainer member with some of the others) (The KELONG BOYS reunited!) (The Kelong boys POSES!.... (ben mok the kelong boy wannabe..=P) (WESLEY YM CAMP 2008!) (TRIBE ELIJAH)
The Bus ride back... (Me with the 2 new assistant youth heads! Sarah & Pearlyn aka (SARAH PALIN) ) (Back at main church!)
And then lunch at with some of the crosstrainers at Pasta mania to end the day!!!
SPECIAL MESSAGE to my camp group...ADONAI!
FIRST OF!!! I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU AGAIN for being with you all! I'm starting to miss camp already as I was looking thru the many photos on facebook just now! ESPECIALLY this awesome awesome group!
Anyways I want to apologized for the many times I couldn't be with the group, its been one of the busiest camp for me yet! Juggling the super tight schedule between cross-trainer and than rushing for all those leaders meeting almost during all our BREAKFAST, LUNCH and DINNER TIMES!!! But then again, when ever I had the chance to spend with you all, I really really treasure those times!
Well want to thank su lyn for like standing in for me in the times when I cldn't make it with the group, especially the Monopoly game!!!! Really wish I cld have been with you all then! =/. But at the end of the day, I'm truly grateful to have been able to share a bit of my life to you all! Its truly an honour for me each year to share my heart desires on how we can really keep that passion for the LORD!
Anyways I want to say again that truly after going for the forth ym camp, this is certainly the deepest I have ever experience with the LORD, its in that quietness and stillness before the CROSS when I just experience and overwhelming feeling that touch my heart so intrinsically, and seeing all most literally all the campers kneeling before the cross is certainly a very first in YM CAMP history! It was just so amazing to see that this youth ministry is going to a whole new level! And we need to keep that passion for the Lord going! And truly I hope each and everyone of you all can keep that! This may be only the start for most of you all! There are more to come! Remember we should keep that daily SURRENDER to the LORD and remember how important it is to dwell deep in the WORD every single day of your life! As that will sustain you in maturing in Christ!!!
Signing out Ben Lau (hee i rip this from the email i sent to you all)