GOD revealed something to me in a DREAM! Friday XT camp planning meeting... Was sharing my concern with the comm for the final night game at that meeting, as ever since last sunday when we kinda completed planning the entire night games! i had a strange dream on it the next 2 days! I cldnt rmb exactly how it went! Only thing i cld rmb was, I knew that we had to change our concept and it was something along the lines of a night walk which had more purpose? but still cldnt exactly piece it together and when i was sharing it to the comm, Glenn had an inspiration from to the LORD to add on to the missing piece of my dream that i might have miss! And it was relating to a message i actually shared in GAP once! Which he remembered! but than it took me awhile to rmb wad i shared to him that time!! hahah! BUT wow we were all so excited as God gave us more and more insights in making this a SUPERB final activity which is going to take YM to a whole new level! And when kheng came into the room....we shared it to him! And he said he cld even feel a sense of chill going up him!!
Well! wont say what it is! buttt well something which we are all SO LOOKING FOR TO FOR YM CAMP 2008 now!
After that had dinner with the XTs ...and some of them cameee for YM GAP too! I was sooooooooo soooooo encourage by this people man! Espcially like Kheng,sarah,pearlyn,kailyn who all came for the FIRST TIME! God was certainly moving as we all prayed! Kheng even had a vision from the LORD!
Saturday 7 Aside soccer tournamnet organised by Parish of Christ Church at Farrer Park field... (Captain KHENG giving us this "DRUG" haha! performance enhancer powder from indonesia! haha! ok la its legal! so yea!) (Wesley ym team! Song,shafiq,kheng,caleb,darren,jason, (balota and josh lim not here yet) (warming up before our matches) (the greenridge alumni match!... we won our first match got into quarters and than KNOCK out by this BIG KOREANS! but thann we left thinking we out..but only today found out that we actually had another match in the other grp...oh well! we definitley had a good bonding time anyway!)
Sunday A really really amazing service at Prayer and praise today! Was really touched by Pastor Wendy watson sermon as she testified how God has brought her through over the years from one who has tasted worldly success in the entertaiment business with stars and than to the most down down of real poverty staying in a 1 room flat!.... And through all this GOD has shown His FAITHFULNESS and GLORY to her husband and her over the years by giving this wake up call to them in their times of suffering! And it was such real honesty of someone who God has pick up and gave great CONTENMENT! And now she is a PASTOR standing infront of us all testifying and ministering to so many people! =)
Last Crusade LM for the year!!! Afterrr a crazyyy looooong night workingg on my 3D viz of my model till 5am!!! and continuedd after waking up all the wayy till abt 4 plus pm! Head down to TP for a niceeeeee crusade THANKS GIVING LM!!!
And wowww...im really encourageee by the happenings today! First offf its just so encouraging to see my disciples, John,Nick and Jem all stepping up over the last few mths! With John now taking initiatives in gathering the crusaders, and than nick who gave an awesome sharing last week and now ending offf with a SUPERB time of praise and worship led by him! Andddd Jem who is ever so faithful! Anddd spending time talking to his disciple isaac who has beeen sooooo quiettt ever since he join us ... AND THAN a BIG SURPRISE today we he opened up so much and shared how God has been speaking to him and how crusade has actually change him! Just sitting back seeing all this happenings today really issss a GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT to be a discipler to this guys! =) THANK YOU GUYS! =) I can really seee some start of a movementttt happening in this ministryyy.... =)
THANKS GIVING LM! (the girls preparing the foood! The guys preparing the cocktail!)
(FOOD TIME!!! It was delicious!... Glenn picking a question slip to share..)
(the yarn passing question sharing game!!!) (the usual posers! hahah! ) (Aweee..jincheng giving a nice loving hug to pris!.....the beautiful sketches by Naomi!)
(thisss pretty cool black cat we saw on the way home)
Alrightyy! BACK TO MY FYP!!!!!!!....... anotherrrrr looooooong nite ahead! =) Trying to get as much done before Combined Submins retreat next week! And with camp coming near too!!! Alot of admin and logistics stuff to settle!!! sooo yuppssss! Its a tight mth ahead! =)
Marcus & Clarissa Birthday Party!... XT meetings...Combined Service...Leaders Lunch!!!... Its was another busyyy yet eventful weekend! as i juggle between FYP and church stuff!
Friday! Headed to NSRCC aka Safra Changi Resort in the evening for marcus & clarrissa birthday party! Anddd the coooool thing was! The last 3 times i came here over the past 3 yrs... I realiseee i have been going to the SAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EXACT LOT! Lot 34 in this compound! How coincidence is that!
(the same Lot 34, i been the last 3 times here!, first a class chalet in 2005, than a crusade retreat in 2006 and now heree again! HAHHA! And now its renovated into a SUPER NICE CHALET!!! The interiors are AMAZING!) (glenn,keith and me...making RIBENA JUICE!) (THE BIRTHDAYYY PEOPLE! Marcus and Clarissa!)
(Moreeeeeeeee of them!) (someee of us) ( Marcus cooking again) (someee of us again!) (This is sooo funny! They were trying to blow the 18 candlessss from that distance! It took like nearly a min for them to blow them all!) (HAHHA! Whose that clarissa want to kill! hah!) (THE HAPPENING party!) (THE LOVELY ICE CREAM CAKE from Island Cremery! Ateee 2 slicess =P)
(watch 300!) Lovelyyy nice timeee with this bunch of Crosstrainers! =)
Saturday... Loooooooong XT meetings...
Sunday... A really good message by Pastor Alvin on "FIREPROOFING YOUR FAITH", and so happened his message that day was exactly what our small grp has been going thru! 1 Kings 16-19
1. Learn To Trust in God 2. Make a choice and stick by it 3. Cultivate a lifestyle of prayer thats the only way to know God
And the MOST IMPORTANT POINT! We MUST HAVE A PROPER PICTURE OF GOD! "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20
"We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us." 2 Corinthians 1:8-10
We ended with this song which i heard before, but never really took note of how wonderful the lyrics and beautiful this song really is! (video of the song) Phillips Craig Dean- You Are God Alone You are not a god Created by human hands You are not a god Dependant on any mortal man You are not a god In need of anything we can give By Your plan, that’s just the way it is
[chorus] You are God alone From before time began You were on Your throne Your are God alone And right now In the good times and bad You are on Your throne You are God alone
You’re the only God Whose power none can contend You’re the only God Whose name and praise will never end You’re the only God Who’s worthy of everything we can give You are God And that’s just the way it is
[bridge] Unchangeable Unshakable Unstoppable That’s what You are
Sunday (YM Leaders lunch at Paulaner Brauhaus at Millenia walk) (my delicioussss GERMAN MEAT!!!!... The chocolate cake was superb!)
Back to church for more XT meetings after... (There was a thunderstorm after our meeting and we tried to capture the lighting! So video tapeee one down!...this is just a quick flash, at abt 16 secs into the video....missed some really beautiful strikes!)
Monday! Another nicee day in school! Its always so nice to just meet up with my friends in sch nowadays! From the interesting conversations we have, and how we help one another in our FYP proj! Also had a nice chat with a couple of my lecturers at the canteen, and somehow u can really see that some how they are just like us too! HAHA! likeee how they joke with one another and all that, only thinggg they are much older and with of coursee A WHOLE LOT of experience before them! But it was niceee getting to know them better and also talking "some nonsense" with them! haha!
I'm SO SOO SOOO HAPPYY!!! Very happy HAPPY and nostalgic day! =D
I can't hold the happiness that im feeling now! Looking back at today alone! Itsss been just back to back HAPPY HAPPY circumstances! =D.... I guess it started from my consultation in sch, its one of the rare timesss i actually had my proj complimented by a lecturer! So i guess that boost my morale at the start! Finallyyy after 3 yrs in TP DESIGN! I kindaaa get a hang of wad really architecture is abt! Abittt slow for me! But yeaa! There's still so much to learntttttt!
Anywaysss..below is the photos of the strangee happenings in sch .... (We saw this interesting sight! one of our lecturer was putting the MANY MANY PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE sign on all the models in the shelves..and i dunno but we found it amusing at that time!?? dunno why looking back? butt oh welll....)
In studio at lvl 6...
Happily doing my model and then..... (WENG CAME IN WITH THISSSS!!!... causing him suddenly being the centre of attaction!!! HAHA a strange Irish hat he got from his cousin!)
(And that led to jinhe trying it! And than dee, and than sam! ...oh dear is that kah tat hugging weng! on the right photo hahha)
(And than WENG and KAH TAT started doing push ups! HAHHA! strangeee friends i got! )
My schematic model! (spend the last couple of days doing this!) (from my concept model on the left to my schematic model on the right!)
Ok...anyways... back to the HAPPY HAPPENINGS!... After the fun time in the studio..headed for CRUSADE! whereee nick had a debut sharing session! As he gave us an AUTHENTIC inspiring MESSAGE! Really proud of him! Its like one by one my disciples are learning to preach and lead oready! hahha! =P
After that a nicee HAPPY DINNER TIME!...
Had a niceeee long good chat with wenhao abt his FYP project on the way back from the bus and than walking to potong pasir bus stop...and I actually FELT SO EXCITED for him too as i read his script UNFOLDING! He shared with me his developed concept AND IT ACTUALLY BLEW MY MIND...and that even led to a chill of goosebumps that suddenly went up my hand! Dunno why! BUT it came after hearing the CLIMAX of his script! And than his bus 13 came!!!
ANDDDDD then this skinny dude, with curly hair tap my back as he boarded that same bus as wenhao! AND IT WAS my PRIMARY 4 BEST FRIEND KEITH NEUBRONNER!!!!!!!!!He was behind us the whole while but he didn't want to intrude our conversation... so i decided to give him a call and wowwww it was one of the bestttt CHAT i had in a looooooong time! THE SAME OLD KEITH MAN! REALLY VERYY NOSTALGIC conversation as we reminiscence the days where he will come my hse and all the crazy stuff we did since pri sch days! And even the times when he trick me so much in pri 4 and believe all those stories from him having a twin at birth that died to him going up to Michael Schumacher to say Hi to him!! Really amusing as i think back those times! and WOW its likeee even though his in TP now too, we rarely see each other, but whenever we bump into each other in thoseee LONG WHILES we just got SOOOOOOOOO MUCH TO TALK STILL!!!! I guesss this are those REALLY REALLY GOOD FRIENDS out thereeee who really knows u EVEN though we dun like hang out anymoreee but still can click wheneverrr! What a day to end!!! =D =D =D= D
I'm like literally SMILING as i wroteee THIS WHOLE POST! And one of my most enjoyable writingsss in quite a while! ....KEITH NEUBRONNER TYRONE do tagggg thisss when u read this post! HHAHA! We must really catch up more man! =)