GOD's PROMISED RAINBOW!!!!...I'm done with my FYP internal presentation!!! YAY! =)
Monday! (A bunch of my coursemates saw this beautiful rainbow after our final submission! And we thought WOW and joking said surely score for FYP already! hhaha!)
Wednesday! My presentation day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything went pretty well! Like my lecturers gave good commendation for my Graphic presentation, the 3D visuals, and overall design scheme! BUTTTTT.... for the first time ever.... i got critique for my verbal presentation! As i over prepared it and just had too much to say and elaborated on almost very point until i had to speak so fast! And its a little disappointing that this use to be my strength! But oh well... im contented overall! And i really owe it ALL TO GOD again for inspiring me with this project 5 mths ago!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!! =) (MY storyboard,with material board,design dossier,technical package,hyphothesis and model) (My final model!)
And on the way to wenhao place after presentation....
In the bus... (I Saw this AMAZING RAINBOW outside the bus window! IT WAS SO CLEAR! You can really see ALL 7 colours of the rainbow and it stretched across a beautiful semi circle over the sky! It Gave me this deeeep sense of peace as i just contemplated in this bus on God's promised to us! And no matter what happen's His perfect WILL, will be done!.... I think this is the most beautiful rainbow i have ever since in my ENTIRE life to date! And to see it twice in 3 days! one on my submission day and another after my presentation! AMAZING RIGHT! hahah! =) )
After met up with wenhao,keith,shumei and her friend kelly to play some tennis!!!!!!!!!!! ( I won 2 matches in a row!!!! OH yea! =) ...)
After that...keith,wanping and me headed for supper at the nearby prata place for some really good conversation! What a nice day to end my FYP day!!!!!
okays not officially over yet! But 90% done! Left with a possible External examination presentation next week and preparation for the most exuberent DESIGN DIPLOMA SHOWCASE ever from 26-31 march at Temasek Convention Centre!!! DO COME PEOPLE! You are ALL INVITED!!! =)
Are we sharing the Gospel rightly today? (a Strong sermon that made me re-watch it more than 10 times!) The later part of this note is a follow up of my recent note on" True Salvation"....... Click here for previous note
Anyways i recently came across this sermon by Paul Washer, when elliot shared it to me... and from this afternoon till now, i have re-watch this sermon more than 10 times! Its a message so hard and deep that even right till now i can't fully grasped it...
Regeneration v. The Idolatry of Decisional "Evangelism" (Paul Washer @ theDeeper Conference 2008 Breakout Session which was hosted by Living Waters & Way of the Master)
I took down notes on this sermon as i tried to grasp the strong statements he made...some are very true...and some are really just so thought provoking... So wld love to hear your comments too as you hear this message prayerfully with discernment....
Below are some initial statements he made that will seem shocking if u haven't hear his full message... Some of the (brackets)are some of my personal thoughts to his statements...
The Gospel Call - Our gospel is scandalous? -We sldn't water down the gospel? (Yes this is true) -Seeker friendly? - by removing the sharp edges? - The gospel message is "Unbelievable" ...Unless BY THE POWER OF GOD
We must be careful if we conform our gospel to the trends of the day?(are we doing this today?)
He shared how we sld evangelize from the passage of Ezekiel 37 - The Valley of dry bones (Passage of story of conversion of men) -Story from Ezekial (How we should preach the gospel) - How to bring life to the lifeless bone (no technique, no persuasion , no human works, JUST THE POWER OF GOD) - Man is dead in trespasses of sins - All men have actually knowledge of God (But shift their focus away) - For Men is to save! One man like Ezekiel who preach the gospel to dead people!
Churches who uses latest appeal to reach out/ and church who desires to be relevant? (The statement he made ... made me ponder if we are actually doing that today?... bcoz in some way, i believed the GOSPEL IS STILL UNCHANGING, but the methods are different today in order to be relevant to this post modernism generation...for e.g. recently inviting planetshakers to our church, to be honest they are a little to loud for me, but i believe this are what that reaches out to this even younger generation?(And personally i saw how God has used this band as thru worshiping with their "God inspired" songs, it actually touched my young sec 1s...emotional hype? I doubt so...as i believe God has inspired the churches today in this change of methods...other methods like...using sports to reach out? I believed this is not a human method of the World, but bcoz the heart of it is to spread the UNCHANGING Gospel in the end at the Pre-E stage?...so thats why this statement made me thought even more, there are many ways of seeing it which till now its hard to grasp... as what he says do makes sense too? ...in order GOD can show his Power...we need to strip as much human methods as possible?....whats your thoughts on this?)
A statement he made... "Drawing people using carnal means, will mean to keep people using carnal means"
He made a strong message on conversion? Are we deceive sometimes? (32min) (what's your thoughts on this?... its quite true actually!)
-Does our gospel presentation make man excited what God can do for them or lead them to "WHO GOD IS" -Tell people WHO GOD is..... -Use Scriptures to teach them! (NOT HUMAN means) -Do you want to go heaven? Or DO YOU WANT TO KNOW GOD?
"the question is not whether or not you know you are a sinner, but instead has God worked in your life that the sin you once loved in your life you now hate, even the devil knows he is a sinner, and he thinks he's a mighty fine one too "
Altar calls..."Some may ask,well i got saved through this way? And he replied...sometimes we are save in spite of that way?" (hmmm... he made an interesting remark on altar calls)(48 min of message) (48 min)
To receive Christ? (Theology of John) -To opening up ones life to ongoing fellowship with the communion of Jesus
Christ,(john 17:3) -the ongoing feeding on Jesus as the sustenance of ones life ............John 6:53 - how can you define evidence of sincerity accepting Christ, saying the sinner's prayer?
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9-10
-Believe in your heart? (looking deep into the core of your heart of WHO you are) -Salvation by Faith (publically CONFESSION of Christ by Word and Deed)
1) Publically CONFESS CHRIST that His the LORD of your life.(BY WORD & DEED)
Remember not everyone who confess Lord, Lord will be saved! (Matthew 7:21) ...Thats why WORD & DEED need to show!
Salvation involved a lost doctrine... -Regeneration into the new creature -Evidence of Salvation is there's genuine repentance?
2) The evidence of Justification by Faith is The ONGOING WORK of Sanctification work of the Holy Spirit in their life.
He talks about if our heart is is opened... (57mins)
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. Rev 3:20" (only evidence here is ongoing fellowship with Christ) (Context is...NOT for Christ is knocking on the door of a sinner heart, But actually God is knocking on the door of wayward church instead) (interesting point to note...been using this verse in sharing the gospel presentation)
Does this above text actually shows the sinner's heart open by God?
However...in this text God DID open the heart of lydia and she responded... "One of those listening was a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message." Acts 16:14
3) Evidence of Salvation is CONTINUED FELLOWSHIP of Christ
Faith comes from hearing the message...
TRUE SALVATION will have EVIDENCE....(something I inferred from his 3 points)
So are we actually sharing the Gospel rightly today? (a message that makes me ponder!...would love to hear your views too!)
Friday Matt fielder (Pastor from Planet shaker Church) shared a message in Wesley Hall on Reaching out to youths!
Saturday- FUSION @ ACS I!!!
The INTENSE 9am to 10.15pm sessions of worship and sermons back to back!!!
(Most photos taken from walter's facebook album=D) 9am! (The Early birds who came for the first session at 9am!) (Was actually surprise that the planetshakers band actually played in ALL 4 sessions!!!)
Session 1 Rev Dr Wee Boon Hup - Desire It was a deep message from the WORD, manage to take back some really good insights from it. After his sermon, we took Holy Communion, and i can say this is one of the most serious Holy Communions i have ever taken in my life, mainly because of the recent study from precept on the importance of taking Holy Communion in the right way and not only that.
Session 2 Rev Dr Gordon Wong- Destiny A very straight forward message on how God has purposed and chosen us for his inheritance!
Session 3 Mr Joseph Chean (Base Director of YWAM Singapore) - Death This was my favourite session out of the 4 session...Joseph Chean really had one VERY POWERFUL LIFECHANGING testimony! That was so authentic and inspired all of us greatly! It clearly showed God's Faithfulness in his life and how he had to learn to die to himself in order to see the GREAT things GOD can do to him! And his testimony really just made GOD EVEN SO MUCH MORE REAL!!!!! (Joseph Chean's sharing his testimony about Death to himself)
Dinner time! (Met up with some of my small grp members who came!)
(The PLANETSHAKERS!!!!!!!!!! were really LOUD!!! hahah! This is the first planetshakers event out of the last few i went in previous years that they actually played more of their CLASSICS!!! Like running after you, lift up your eyes, rain down and open up your gates!!)
Session 4 Matt Fielder- DECLARATION (the crowded was like tossing these gigantic balloons!) (WE LOVE OUR GOD!!!!!!!!!!)
Sunday! PLANETSHAKERS@ WESLEY YM!!!! (I can say without a doubt this is possibly the BIGGEST EVER COMBINED SERVICE IN WESLEY YM HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ballroom WAS SOOOOOOO PACKED!!!!!!!!! People EVEN HAD TO QUEUE to get in!!!! FIRST TIMEEEEE in wesley ym history! haha!)
Its like literally back to back planetshakers after planetshakers from saturday to sunday ...that their songs are like stuck in my head already!!!! Anyways the bassiest of the band who was also a youth pastor in the church was preaching... and what truly encouraged me the most was to see so many of my sec 1 youths who were touched by the Lord during worship and during the message! Its really very encouraging to see them experiencing God personally for themselves! And they are only like Sec 1!!!!!! =) I really hope that this isnt a one time thing for them...but i'm sure soon they will realise more what really keeping that Passion for christ really is! =)
SALVATION is a TOTAL commitment to GOD... The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become – because he made us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be. It is when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to His personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own. - C. S. Lewis I recently came across the above quote whenI stumble across, Joelle's blog while doing my precept inductive bible study lesson on COVENANT ...and not only does it relates to the bible study i was doing, it also strike right into my heart as I can fully relate to what that quote means! You can look back at my personal testimony for a clearer picture ...Click here...For a write up of My PERSONAL TESTIMONY Anyways recent weeks, God has taught me so much about the importance of FULL SURRENDER to GOD...and FULLY OBEYING what He says...
If you have read #24 of my "25 things about me" post, it showed a scenario in my life right now where i actually had to make a decisive decision... As some of you have know, I'm about to end my final year in TP design... and this 3 yrs the LORD has taught & revealed many things to me... and one of the surprising thing to me was I would have never imagine of me making a decision to do Full time Christian work at year 1... And right now,when I'm just so sure of where God has Called me now, there's this other side of being tempted to follow worldly desires...
And indeed that worldly opportunity has become even more tempting the more i do my current FYP project, although i need to THANK THE LORD that for the past 4 mths this FYP has totally been inspired from Him and He has blessed me sooooo much that i'm really so grateful for ...
And then the more I contemplate on this... i figured, wow i could actually possibly be doing this in the future?... and "doors" seemingly seem to be open for me! As my lecturers has commended on my work which i have never gotten such nice commendation in my 3 yrs doing this course! I'm also a little surprise when my lecturer actually recommend that i continue to pursue design in Architecture in NUS, which if I get in I can skip the first year and pursue this "prestige's" course which was actually my childhood dream!!! And with the NUS application opening now...my peers are like just go apply for fun lor! Who knows you might get in... but i was thinking...didn't i already commit myself fully to follow God's call?
And then today... God assured me in my Quiet time.......the Lord made me read back on 1 Samuel 15:1-35...
A summary of that passage was... God commanded Saul to COMPLETELY DESTROY the Amalekites... however Saul didn't fully obey the Lord commands... although some would say..well he "KINDA" did follow...he did destroy the Amalekites..BUT...he didn't COMPLETELY destroy them, he kept the king,the best of the sheep, cattle, fat calves,lambs and everything that was good...even claiming that this sheep&cattle was can even be use for a Sacrifice to the Lord???Sounds a like a good choice right? Well HE Was wrong!!!! This is what the scriptures said...
1Sa 15:20 “But I did obey the Lord,” Saul said. “I went on the mission the Lord assigned me. I completely destroyed the Amalekites and brought back Agag their king. 21 The soldiers took sheep and cattle from the plunder, the best of what was devoted to God, in order to sacrifice them to the Lord your God at Gilgal.” 1Sa 15:22 But Samuel replied:“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrificesas much as in obeying the voice of the Lord?To obey is better than sacrifice,and to heed is better than the fat of rams. 1Sa 15:23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination,and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,he has rejected you as king.”
This passage thought me so much about COMPLETE OBEDIENCE to the LORD...and well i'm sure enough to say right now, that I'm willing to count the cost and follow my CALL from GOD...to lay down this self dream...for something i know God has been preparing me for whom i have a even GREATER PASSION FOR!!!!!! =)
And well, to say that obedience to the Lord is easier said than done... And again it goes back to what the Lord has been teaching me at precept on Covenant with the Lord. I can say right now i'm fully assured of my Salvation as I know the Holy Spirit dwells in me when, i made a decision to put on Christ and live in this New Covenant of Grace...as with this Holy Spirit living in me I can say that i have guidance from the Lord to lead a Life of Obedience... as True Faith in the LORD will lead to OBEDIENCE...
And that was not the only thing that i have learnt.... we had a Hard lesson about TRUE SALVATION from the Lord...And this question was thrown in. the teaching by Kay Arthur.."are you those who take the free gift of Salvation(just believe) & just walk your own way?"
Wel don't be deceive....its so much more than just that....
Just look at Luke 14:25-33 "if anyone comes to Me, and does nothate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.
27"Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple."
STRONG words right? But not to misinterpret it, this verses actually is a Hyperbole which is to shows the COMPARATIVE between the HUGEEE LOVE that we should have for Christ, compared to our own parents or siblings! And this shows an exaggeration to show the extreme love for Christ is like even hating our parents or siblings!
Anyway OUR LORD DESERVED THAT LOVE bcoz HE FIRST LOVE US and showed us THE BIGGEST ACT IN HISTORY of mankind of HIS AWESOMEEE UNDESCRIBLE LOVE by Sacrificing his ONE and ONLY Son on the Cross for us all dying FOR ALL OUR SINS!!!! NOTHING can ever compare to that act!!!!!!!!
Another verse to consider... Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.Matthew 7:21
Can we say that we will enter the kingdom of the Lord if we do not do the Will of our Father in heaven? well its very hard to say...........
Thus, something to ponder about is this statement that Kay Arthur shared, i'm paraphrasing it .."TRUE SALVATION not only is believing in Christ...but is having that FULL TOTAL COMMITMENT to Him!" We NEED to first DIE to our self... and let Christ Take control! That is something i will need to re look in my life and examine closely...Can i say i truly die to myself yet? That is something i will need to re look in my life and examine closely...as i truly desire to walk in His PERFECT Will each and everyday but, its really a FIGHT for my Faith every single day as we live in this FALLEN World.....remember we need that DAILY SURRENDER to the LORD!!!! Thus we then need to continue to Work our Salvation with Fear and Trembling!!!! If right now your shaken at what i shared?...this is something which only GOD can assure you... "The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God," Romans 8:16
And that's one thing I really believed ALL "CHRISTIANS" need to be assured of! Which is their own salvation!!!
Anyway on a lighter note... i really believe that if we first make that first step of faith to surrender and let God take control of our life, i can FULLY TESTIFY and Say just like the quote above by CS.Lewis can be true for you... that this is when you will only begin to get your REAL PERSONALITY of your own...which is TOTALLY from CHRIST. And our wonderful Lord will guide us each and everyday on walking in His Will =) The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become – because he made us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be. It is when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to His personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own. - C. S. Lewis
This is actually something i did on facebook!! Enjoy the read!!!! =)
Click her for link to actual Facebook note... Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
( If I tagged you, it’s because you might be part of this 25 facts or i just know u will do this too! =P)
If you find this too long...just read #20.. Its my most memorable story ever!!!...
1.I have decided to do this after finally having some free time to spare, 4/5 of my FYP is done! I was seeing if i'm tagged more than 5 times maybe i will consider doing it...So as i looked back... i got to tagged back the last 8 people who tagged me(hope i didn't miss anyone out =/) ...in chronological order TAGGED back - ethel,moonie,kenneth,emme,
diana,stacy,yiu jin,nicole....
2. I really LOVE GOD with all my heart, soul, mind & strength! Anyway want to share my blog of the recordings of my exciting journey with the Lord from 2006 onwards (This was the same year of my first ever BROADBAND access & MSN too!!! slow right!...haha!) ...http://benlau89.blogspot.com
3. I really believed Facebook is a great way to share & influence your thoughts & ideas to great masses at once, so i'm taking advantage of this tool to share it!! The next few links are extracts from my blog that I MUST SHARE if not i won't have peace! =)
10. Looking back........(Feeling so NOSTALGIC now) ...I remember when i was about 4yrs old i used to cut my soft toy "hair", thinking it will grow back... =/... poor me..i was FOOLED! I still have those soft toys to proof! Just looked at my snoopy now!!!
11. In 1996, I think i was 7 yrs old, was when i became a MANCHESTER UNITED FAN!!! Was watching a soccer match with my dad and he asked me to choose a team.. i chose this red team..who was then man united ..and they beat this team who was liverpool! If im not wrong the final score was 3-0! And i was so HAPPY that i chose the winning team that i decided to stick with them till now! PHEW good thing i didn't choose liverpool. heee!
12. And then when i was in primary sch... I had this best friend who used to TRICK me almost everyday! Like how he had this twin brother that died at birth, to how he like went to Sepang Grand prix in KL to meet michael schumacher and even shook his hand & when his house got burn down in pri 4 i think, i thought he was bluffing at first! BUT it turn out to be REAL!!!!!!!!!
13. I remember the days when i played soccer almost everyday at the basketball court during recess time when we use like "pepsi" water bottle as our ball & then we promoted to a tennis ball by pri 6 i think.. hee! Miss those days!!! (Fun fact: the pepsi bottle shape was better to kick compared to mineral & coke bottles)
14. My soccer days....I first joined the st gabs school soccer team at pri 4, and our first competition was this 7aside soccer tournament at Sentosa where our coach crazy crazy put us in the Under-17 competition! We were like PLAYING against BIG GUYS when we were like err..10? He said it was to train us up! HHAHA!
15. At Primary 5, i rmb how excited we were on our first ever inter school south-zone soccer tournament... where i still rmb vividly on my debut match scoring a Hat-Trick!!!!! In the end we won moulmein pri 8-0!!!! What a start right!!! ..we were WRONG! ... We were the most feared sch after that match but were too complacent in our next 2 matches! Can't rmb the next 2 teams we played, i think ACS (Jr) & some other sch...which i tink we draw & lost!... & we were out... =(
16. So the entire year we were left with friendlies .. with MANY matches against Yangzhen pri(our neighbour & arch rival) ... haahha, i tink we played against them like 5 times a year!!! And unbeaten against them till now i think! I got my first nickname of "Kumbai" by my strike partner zainal! Till now we have no idea what that means! haha!... i rmb how i said if i score another hat-trick they will stop calling me that... & i actually really did in a 8-0 win over yangzhen! But haha! they still call me that till now!....
17. By primary 6... was made the vice captain of the team! And rmb the ONLY title we won was this 7aside south zone tournament where we beat st.michael's in the finals!!! Somehow in my pri sch days i was quite a scoring machine & I'm quite proud to say that! hee =P (50% of my goals was by headers!)
18. By secondary school..had some interesting stories...First for soccer who was like my only life then still...... The st.gabs sec team was muchhh STRONGER!!!... somehow i lost my scoring touch with players that were so much more talented than me!!! 1/3 of the Team were national players! Even a national captain at his age grp who has won many MVPs everywhere even at this Barcelona academy!!! Always proud to say that i got the chance to train along side this superstar who is now one of the most talented bright stars in Singapore! =P
19. Around sec 2 period always remember the times when a bunch of my classmates wld come my hse & play block catching! One day... 2 of them!!! DUNNO WHY!!!!crazy crazy went to pee at the staircase area & my neighbour saw!!! We were running for our life when we found out!!! As we went to the void deck...contemplating & in deep fright wad to do next...our sch Operation manager walk over..& catch all of us!!! And wahhh! we were TERRIFIED!!!!!!
20. MY MOST TERRIFIED MOMENT IN LIFE!!!! ...(Do read this..is quite a memorable story in my life) At end of sec 2... a bunch of us were selected to take part in this inter-class graffiti competition in sch! And some of my friends wanted to practice! So we went to his hse HDB block nearby & practiced our art work on newspapers on a wall at his corridor abt the size of a huge whiteboard...THEN when some of us were in his hse some of them were at the corridor BEING BOYS as usual... craazy crazy take a lighter & a spray Can & crazy crazy did this flame torch at the art work on the WALL....AND YES YOUR RIGHT!!! STUPID right! The WHOLE WALL CAUGHT FIRE!!!!! & we all tried to stop it by passing buckets of water from his toilet to the corridor!!!!! AND we were like die die! NEIGHBOUR SURELY See this!!!! OBVIOUSLY RIGHTTT!!!! We did stop the fire in the end BUT the WHOLE WALL WAS BLACK!!!!! Dieeee... half of us was in his hse toilet in deep fear! while the others tried to clear the mess outside....Soon one of them outside SHOUTED! POLICE! POLICE!!!! We WERE DIEE DIEEE!!!! So we hid in the toilet!!! And in deeppp fear!!! As we thought wah, we all innocent good boys in sch now caught at a scene of a crime!!!!!!! SIGHHH.... soon the police shouted at his door, "whoever inside COME OUT NOW!!!"...so we decided after a long while..ok its best to come out...so in deep fear went out and SAW LIKE SUPER ALOT OF PEOPLE! like CID and FIRE MAN and A BUNCH OF KAYPO neightbours watching!!! It was so embarrassing!... and this funny thing happened... one of our friend was actually still hiding..and later told the police that he "stomach-ache"!!! HAHHA what a lie lor!! But we kept quiet!!!hahha! Later my friend who was the one playing with the fire got handcuff to the police station... & THANK GOD we were freed! but it was so scary as the next day was the actual competition! And we were like dieee now the WHOLE SCH surely know la! And our Vice principle Jokingly told everyone... "Yesterday arh...some HARD WORKING BOYS arh... even went the extra mile to practiced their grafitti art piece, and then crazy crazy must burn it up in the end!!!"... good thing he didnt mentioned the ppl there! but we were sooo embarassed lor! Well...my friend was released that same day from the police later..but he had to face a FINE OF $10 000!!!! A story that I will never forget!!!
21. Sec 3 & 4 was when i actually started to get serious with my sch work as o'levels drew nearer...despite still being soccer crazy!!! I really thank God how he was still with me even when i wasn't close to the Lord then...By His grace I ended of well to end my stgabs sch days being first in class & eleventh in the level... and ended my soccer "career" by then...
22. By 2005...After sec 4... went to my FIRST ever YM CAMP...And this was where GOD changed my ENTIRE LIFE!!!! From like all my self desires of only soccer & computer games(i used to be a computer games addict!) to the importance of GOD first!!! See #4 for my life changing testimony!!! (my small grp would have heard this countless of times!=P )
23. 2006.... went to CJC for the first 3mths...and had the TIME OF MY LIFE! LITERALLY!!!! I really miss those days like mad ! From the COOLEST MASS DANCE in SINGAPORE! TO joining FENCING! To having the BEST CLASS , 1T02!! And to the crazy things we did... like playing BINGO in mass lectures,having a FIRST taste of skipping class ONCE..hee...but we later found out how we wld actually rather be in sch!!! To a very memorable last day when we the only 5 guys in class who did this literature grp work of supposedly 2 people.. had a 2/50 for it! And my friend crazy crazy tore the paper infront of my teacher! And he GOT ONE HUGE SCOLDING!!! We ran off in fear of our teacher's wrath! HAHA! What a last day!!!
24..2006-2009.... Well God has continued to change my life and thought me many things in Tp crusade,to church & school...as my self-desires change for GOD...being in interior architecture design in TP design for the last 3 yrs has exposed me so much in design...and when i think back..this is like almost realizing my childhood dream of actually being an Architect.. with my lecturer who commended that my work was actually very good architecturally & even encouraging me to pursue it in NUS...and with the seemingly many "doors" opening towards me giving a try at architecture NUS?.....This actually made me think even more...that am I actually willing to OBEY GOD...or pursue my own desires to follow the World... And you know what!!! I have come to a decision!! That I will follow my CALL from GOD...to lay down this self dream...for something i know God has been preparing me for whom i have a even GREATER PASSION FOR!!!!!! =)
25. Arghh its the end!I'm actually so tempted to write more! but well... i think i cheated in some of the pointts by putting in looooong stories! hahah! Thanks for bearing with me!!! Anyways, I'm VERY EXCITED where GOD will be taking me after I graduate from TP Design..from NS (probably in Naval diver unit!)... to maybe bible college next? or Stint in Crusade? ...well all i know i'm so excited to do FULL TIME Christian work for the LORD in the near future!!! (that was my calling if you didn't figure out by now! Link of My Life CALLING...http://benlau89.blogspot.com/2009/01/i-have-received-gods-call.html =)
My last official Crusade LM before i graduate....and a DIVINE intervention happening over msn!
Wednesday... Last LM for us...and our crusade staff Irene last time with TRP crusade too... (The TP crusaders... the seniors sharing their final speech of our 3 yrs in TP and Crusade before we all graduate....)
The items we put up for irene... (we did a farewell video for her.... And sang the Irene Song!!!)
(and got her some wonderful gifts!)
Well it was a joyous last LM with mixed feelings.... we will certainly miss our times in TP crusade meetings... and our awesome staff irene who is truly a role model of someone who truly follows Jesus and has inspired all of us in many different ways! THANKS IRENE!!
In the wee hours of the night... Was working on my storyboarding and rendering... (Spent loooooooong hours in the night to finshied up this 6 A1 Storyboards!) (And whoo hooo! Finally done! ....see my facebook album for more pictures....
The very interesting MSN convo with 2 friends in the wee hours of the night... both did not know each other and are people i actually rarely talk to online and see how God just links everything together... Well basically was talking to friend A on msn...then... i shared to him a verse that the Lord impressed on my heart...then not long later..friend B suddenly shared with me a vision he had of me followed by the SAME VERSE which God spoke to him to tell me! And both this 2 ppl dun even know each other and i didnt mention anything of that verse to that friend B. heres an extract of it... (MSN convo 1).. 1.32 am....
Anyways a short sharing... to add from what u said... God reminded me in my recent QT from Psalms 130:4-8... abt you know how a watchman waits every day for morning to come... and every time he knows for sure the day will come even though he has to wait for the night to pass...
So its like how... sometimes... we are still in the dark... BUT WE know for sure in reality like the watchmen...that God's plan for us will always be done...but sometimes we just need to wait patiently for the Lord
Well i think u must have heard jeremiah 29:11 quite a lot of times oready... but wld love to share with u something which God spoke to me last time too... will tagged abt the note i shared on facebook regarding that...
symmmm okay says (02:48):
symmmm okay says (02:48):
I was showering
symmmm okay says (02:48):
and i prayed for a word for you
symmmm okay says (02:48):
symmmm okay says (02:48):
i saw a vision of like shards of glass and metal on the floor?
Thurs... (Just got my official C'License Coaching Certificate!)
Today's precept lesson was sure one hard message to graspe....
Everytime we take holy communion... do we actually know how we are to carry ourself when we take it?
This is a verse that strike me quite abit...
"Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.
But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup.For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly. 1 Corinthians 11:27-29"
Do we actually examine ourself rightly before we can say we are worthy to take Holy Communion?
That's something i believe all of us should take in deep consideration before we step up for Holy communion again...