Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 a Year of Significant Circumstances


So much has happened in this year 2024 with many significant circumstances taking place. One of my constant prayers throughout this year was to seek God’s grace & guidance as I hold the tension of ministry & family life together.

There were many down periods of grieve, unsettling moments & trials that happened. But in the midst of all those hurdles there were also joys and highlights.

Glad to treasure precious family times & to go through the different milestones in our kids life, from the kids starting preschool, to cephas baptism & first birthday, to charis growing into her toddler stage & communicating with us more.

Claire & I also had our first couple overseas trip without our kids to Seoul which had gave us space to reflect on our journey after 8 years of marriage together. Also thankful for spiritual friendship from our small group & friends who were in a similar life stages as us, people whom has journeyed & encouraged us along the way too.

On the ministry front, thankful for another season where I could serve alongside such a great team of pastors, NextGEN staff & leadership team. Each of them has kept ministry fun & purposeful.

So even as we come to the end of 2024 and cross over to 2025, trusting God to continue to sustain us and to be our chief shepherd, as we follow His leading in new Faith adventures ahead.

(📷 #1: Kids starting Pre-school, #2: NextGEN staff team, #3: Family time at the beach #4: Cephas Baptism, #5: Cephas 1st Birthday, #6: Seoul Trip, #7: Small Group, #8: Spiritual Friendships, #9: Wesley Pastors)