Today FUSION day 1 was REALLY AWESOME MAN! The highlight of the day was actually the pre conference workshop by Pastor Benny Ho abt "SPEAK TO INSPIRE"..basically teaching us how to preach a sermon. And at first i was like wasn't sure i sld go, bcoz i had other commitments like Pray meetin and campus E in TP... But i definitely had no regrets! This is my first time hearing him speak..and i heard so much abt him...and they sure are RIGHT! HIS THE BEST SPEAKER I EVER HEARD MAN!!! And definitely the BEST workshop i ever attended! Although the workshop wasn't really relevant to me now... I Learnt soooooo MUCH! And he really knows how to grasp the audience attention the WHOLE TIME! Even for 3 hrs straight!!! Oh and i got to know this guy who was seating next to me... he was this Caucasian guy from christ methodist church, serving as a preacher for his youth ministry and his lecturer for Lawyers in NUS. And he like preach for 2 recent youth camps.. so i was like chatting with this big shot lor! He was really friendly and had a good time talkin with him during the breaks.
After that met some of the Gappers for dinner before rushing back for the nite rally at the suntec convention hall. And some of us immediately ran to the front row lor!!! And the whole front row ppl were like Wesley ymers and YOUTH ALIVE BAND who was like few seats away from us. And the 2 hrs worship was good man! Especially the YOUTH ALIVE BAND!!!! I was really Immersed in the worship! After worship TRAC president Rev Wee Boon Hup then came in a HARLEY bike man!!!! Well....after the looong rally we ate supper outside the 7 eleven around the city link bcoz all the shops was close oready...ok now this SHU MEI asked me to put her name here... so yeaa..ur name is here! HAPPY! I didnt put other ppl names lor..bcoz got sooo many...afraid i might miss out some others. oh well..... its gonna be a loooooong day tmr..go suntec 8am! And workshops after workshops and nite rally again!!
(the lead singer from YOUTH ALIVE) (Pastor Rev Wee boon hup coming in a grand entrance in a HARLEY Bike man!)
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