Below are the compilation of notes taken from Rev Edmund Chan teachings the last 2 days.
1) "Leading from the Inside-Out", a four part session of Edmund chan's biblical reflection & exposition on Isaiah 6:1-13.
a) Session 1: The Consolation: "I Saw the Lord"-- Vision: The Key for Leading From The Inside out"
b) Session 2: The Crisis: "Woe is me!" -- Repentance: The Authenticity for Leading From The Inside out"
c) Session 3: The Cleansing: "I am Forgiven" -- Forgiveness: The Peace for Leading From The Inside out"
d) Session 4: The Commission: "Lord, Send Me!" -- Mission: The compass Leading From The Inside out"
2) "Discipleship from the Inside-Out", 2 Aug, Night session (Couldn't attend the 3 Aug Night session)
3) "Crossing the uncrossable" (2 Aug, Chapel Devotion)
4) Question & Answer (Q & A)
Session 1: The Consolation: "I Saw the Lord"
Vision: The Key for "Leading From The Inside out"
The Need for VISION in spiritual leadership...
2) Decision Making Skills
3) Change Management Skills
4) Problem-Solving Skills
5) Personal Leadership Skills (Managing oneself)
Vision capturing
- vision must come from God
- casting the vision
- commissioning the vision
- everyone must embrace the vision
Distinctive vision
- what has God raise us to do?
Directional vision
- We think of destination instead of direction. Vision is cast but not concretise
Three chief considerations-
A) What Isaiah Faced
Isaiah 6:1 "In the year of King Uzziah's death I saw the Lord..."
739 BC - King Uzziah's death
Feeling the tension of the death of a king, dark looms the nation.
National crisis of nation!
Personal crisis of the prophet
3 Key lenses
- Spiritual (what is God saying, what Satan is trying to do)
- Personal (what is God trying to refine in me)
- Organizational
B) What Isaiah Saw
V.1 "... I saw the Lord"
"You can have all the skills about leadership but you need the ability to see..."
It take leaders to develop leaders!
Hunger for the Lord! That desire not to leave until we have the presence of the Lord!
"Perspective - BIG God, small problem, BIG problem, small god"
Illustration shared from the scene of avengers... Hulk & Loki ... "puny god"
We need a fresh vision from God!
C. What Isaiah Reported
Isaiah 6:1,3 " ... Siting upon a throne, high & lifted up... Holy, holy, holy"
He is on the THRONE!
Holiness is the central attribute of God!
God is absolutely unique & none else!
Everything about God is HOLY!
"Holiness is consecration set apart by the grace of God, to be redeem by Him for something different!"
The holiness of God defines us!
Imagine this, If God is our Father, and is on our throne! Shouldn't it affect us?
But the church is in crisis if there's no difference?
Our EYES is on the Lord on the THRONE!
Is God on or off the throne?
God IS on His throne ALWAYS!
There will always be challenges!
Our emotions shouldn't be affected from circumstances but to be anchored on the truth that God is on the throne!
Shared testimony of how Evangelical free church was supposedly the smallest church in the slowest growing denomination ever in Singapore in the past and it was even documented... Through this experience on hindsight, he knew the greatest need ever was a leader to SEE the Lord.
Session 2: The Crisis: "Woe is me!"
Repentance: "The Authenticity for Leading From The Inside out"
His opening illustration which he shared on how we"interpret" things..
This one is based on Christianity but it involves the Jewish Christian community in Rome.Caesar hated the Jews to stay in Rome, so he ordered that they are to be sent away. But they protest to stay on in Rome. So Caesar challenges them that if they can win a debate with him the following day, they will be able to stay on forever and ever.That night, the elders discussed about how are they gonna represent the Jews in a debate how are they gonna win. None of them stood out because they believe they could stand out in front of Caesar.But during that time, there was a sweeper-boy who passed by their meeting place. He overheard their conversation and decided to volunteered himself. Guess what? The elders rejected him. But he asks the elders that if he couldn't challenge Caesar in a debate, why aren't they going instead. So they have no choice but leave the fate of the Jews in his hands.The day came and there was Caesar on his throne. On his right is his Encyclopaedia Brittanica and on his left, his elders. The sweeper-boy arrives while sweeping his way to the debate hall. Caesar was astonished because his debater is only a sweeper-boy.So he started out by pointing his finger towards the back of the boy. The boy pointed his finger down. Caesar thought to himself that the boy was smart. To avoid embarrassment from the audience, he pointed one finger up and wave it in the air. The boy pointed 3 fingers up. Caesar was shock and he thought that he was really smart. So lastly, Caesar takes out an apple. The boy took out his bread. And Caesar surrendered. The Jews rejoiced and they threw the boy up into the air.The boy was puzzled over the people's reaction and demanded that he wants to continue the debate. But the elders insisted that he had won. He claims that the debate wasn't even over yet. The elders were astonished that the boy didn't even know that he had won the debate and it's all over.So they went over to Caesar to ask him what happen and what's with all the sign languages. Caesar explains that the 1st time, he showed his finger that he is a God and he is most supreme. But the boy reminded him that there is also hell below. So he pointed his finger up claiming that Caesar also rule the heavens. But the boy pointed the three fingers which clearly represents God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. So lastly Ceasar took out an apple, which represents the fall of man. But was shocked when he sees the boy reminding him that the bread symbolises the redemption of sin by Jesus Christ.The elders went on to the boy for his view. He remarked that Caesar pointed him to get out but he pointed to the ground that he wants to stay on. He thinks that Caesar gave him a last warning. But the boy insisted that 3 warnings also won't make him go away. Then the boy said that when Caesar took out an apple, he thought that it was Caesar's lunch. So he took out his bread which was his lunch and wave at him.
The Crisis: Unclean Lips... (V.5)
Isaiah 6: 5
Then I said,
“Woe is me, for I am ruined!
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I live among a people of unclean lips;
For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.”
Three Striking Things to Highlight Here-
A. Not "Wow is Me!" but Woe is Me!"
"Instead of what we have done, My son, what have you become in trying to do this for me?"
To live by the inside out, we need to first be change from the inside out
He shared how one day he went to this mountain for 10 days spending time with God...Thought he would become stronger after that, but he became weaker instead. He came down with a deep sense of Brokenness. And so much more need for the grace of God.
The church fall into the worldly culture of celebrity syndrome of what God has done for me. We are not self sufficient.
Be careful of titles, DR, REV etc...
"However we still call pastors title to give honour, but don't take it too seriously. "
Speaking the grace of God more than the accomplishment. God is the one that gift the fruit!
B. Not "Wow is Judah!" but Woe is Me!"
He could say woe is Israel but he said Woe is Me!
C. Not Smallness But Sinfulness"
John Wesley's mother, Susanna, was an extraordinary woman! As a young man, Wesley (the founder of the Methodist Church), once asked his mother for a definition of sin. She replied in a letter:"Take this rule: whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off your relish of spiritual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself."-- Susanna Wesley (Letter, June 8, 1725)
Going back to basics, is our personal relationship with God. Nothing else!
Application focus.
1) Our lukewarmness offends God
e.g. Superstition has seep in the African mega churches .
We are in compromise. We need a new normal.
"We cannot walk with God while holding hands with the devil."
"Woe is me for I'm undone"
2) Our point of departure
No one falls overnight, there's this point of departure. That leads to the fall
Picture of repentance is like a circle line. Going back to where we departed when we realized we are going in the wrong direction.
Seeing the glory of God! And seeing our sinfulness in the light of His glory!
Carnality will robbed the church of it spiritual power.
Revival is like...
"When God breaks in & we breaks with & than there's breakthrough in our lives"
Session 3: The Cleansing: "I am Forgiven"
Forgiveness: The Peace for Leading From The Inside out"
5 Cries of a church
- Too many programmes
- Too few volunteers
- Direction not clear
- Leaders not united
- People are not discipled (help people to feed themselves)
The Cleansing: "I am forgiven!" (v.6-7)
V.6 "then one of the SERAPHIM FLEW to me with a BURNING COAL in his hand, which he had taken from the altar with tongs.
God doesn't just convict us but reconsecrate us to confession(agreeing with God how we grieve His heart)
Biblical lenses we can take reading His Word..." Sanctified Imagination"
Tone, Tension & the Twist
What he thought might have hurt him actually healed him
Book of Leviticus points to Holiness. 5 sacrifices to the altar
This is where forgiveness is made possible. Without sacrifice there is no redemption
True discipleship begins at the altar
V.7 He touched my mouth with it and said, "Behold, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away and your sin is forgiven."
Sin - in singular & not plural
Suggest to say the SIN in singular as a totality of fallen humanity.
One perfect sacrifice , leads to complete redemption
No matter what we did, ALL our sins has already been completely forgiven. This complete forgiveness is infinitely eternal.
He shared how he hope to have this ONE word on his Tombstone when he dies... That word is "FORGIVEN" .
Why are we Christians so easily taken offense? Even taking offense on other people behalf! GOD HAS ALREADY FORGIVEN ALL OF US!
Two major implications-
1) A CAUSE-centered vs a CROSS-centered christianity...
We have miss the theology of the great commission! It's not an assignment from God, it's an alignment from God!
Coming back to the cross is to abide in the King! The true vine!
ONLY JESUS Christ is perfect, and it's only in connection with Him
2) Discipleship: A REGIMENTAL journey vs a REDEMPTIVE journey
True discipleship begins with REDEMPTION!
Mark 2
Story of the paralytic lowered through the roof...
Jesus forgive him & healed him.
Pharisees ask who can forgive sins except God? They were right! Since Jesus Christ is God.
However, the unasked questions is on what basis does God forgive sins? On the basis on the perfect sacrifice on the cross that was to come! It's a credit that was guaranteed to be PAID IN FULL! Not just healing but my life for your life! That's redemption!
Session 4: The Commission: "Lord, Send Me!"
Mission: The compass Leading From The Inside out"
The Commission: "Lord, Send Me!" (v.8-13)
Isaiah 6:8-13New American Standard Bible (NASB)8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 9 He said, “Go, and tell this people:‘Keep on listening, but do not perceive;Keep on looking, but do not understand.’10 “ Render the hearts of this people insensitive,Their ears dull,And their eyes dim,Otherwise they might see with their eyes,Hear with their ears,Understand with their hearts,And return and be healed.”11 Then I said, “Lord, how long?” And He answered,“Until cities are devastated and without inhabitant,Houses are without peopleAnd the land is utterly desolate,12 “The Lord has removed men far away,And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.13 “Yet there will be a tenth portion in it,And it will again be subject to burning,Like a terebinth or an oakWhose stump remains when it is felled.The holy seed is its stump.”
God's heartbeat for the lost. If we can't hear his heartbeat for the lost, we do not know God!
Let us re-examine three things-
1) The Nature of God's Call (v.8)
- " Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?"
There was a great majestic tone of authority of appointment!
It was an appointment of privilege.
It's not a calling to sacrifice, but a privilege
Do we serve God on our terms or HIS TERMS!
Theres 2 wings of servanthood & stewardship
The highest level of stewardship is Obedience.
"Never let our egos get in our way"
If God calls us, He will empower us!
Our God is worthy of our ALL
2) The Nature of Isaiah's response (v.8)
"Here I am, send me!"
Will we free fall for Jesus? Knowing Jesus is our parachute!
3) The nature of the Task (v.9-13)
"Go and tell this people..."
This people are rebellious!
V.11 "... How long?"
Until there's devastation and judgement! (Is this a sure to fail ministry?)
God assured Him that there will be a remnant! There is HOPE!
Get out of the pulpit and to do personal evangelism!
Why are we contended at where are? But not leading people personally to Christ?
Story of how God gave him not once but two chances. One day his car battery died on a highway, This indian guy came down to help him. Felt led to share Christ with him, but was to scared. He stop his engine after that thinking it will save battery before his friend he called came over. Soon thinking its ok already, he realised his car battery failed again and the second time, this time the same indian guy across the highway now noticed him, stop his vehicle and helped him AGAIN! And thinking this time he got to share with him. He Chicken out again. Do we waste divine appointments like this? Not once but twice! Ae we like Peter who denied Christ!
Are we CHICKENS!!!!
God has divine appointments for us! Seize it!
Personal revival
Divine Appointment
Active obedience
Will we take the challenge to avail our self for personal evangelism for this year?
2) "Discipleship from the Inside-Out", 2 Aug, Night session (Couldn't attend the 3 Aug Night session)
"The Crisis of Spirituality"
Jesus is coming again soon
World evangelisation is key
Go disciple
Radical discipleship
1 Samuel 13-14
War with the philistines
- they were outnumbered
Jonathan challenge with great faith!
Think BIG , start small, build Deep
Discipleship that builds the solid foundation & deep faith in the Powerful nature of God!
It takes ____________ to develop leaders
What is this dash or blank we think of?
It takes LEADERS to develop leaders!
- We reproduce after our kind
Whats the hardest thing in leadership?
Personal leadership
Putting the Crisis in perspective ....Ministry dryness & burnout
Toxic spirituality: something's amiss

1) Service without JOY
Joy found in theology
"Right knowledge of God gives us JOY"
You truly KNOW what scriptures say is true. Thus we can serve our Lord with gladness!
Psalm 100New American Standard Bible (NASB)A Psalm for Thanksgiving.100 Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.2 Serve the Lord with gladness;Come before Him with joyful singing.3 Know that the Lord Himself is God;It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.4 Enter His gates with thanksgivingAnd His courts with praise.Give thanks to Him, bless His name.5 For the Lord is good;His lovingkindness is everlastingAnd His faithfulness to all generations
So how u know? From the revelation from God
Theology should leads to doxology
The Book of Philippians is a key example of Joy
"Right thinking produce true joy!"
Joy of the lord is our strength
2) Performance without rest
5 marks of performance without rest
- caught in the performance trap
- running on empty
- false sense of indispensability
- feelings of guilt or restlessness while resting
- disillusionment, cynicism & burnout
Whose we are? We belong to God
3) Work without worship
If our work has taken our time with God
The 3 journeys in a life of worship
1) The Emmaus Experience (Lk 24)
The spiritual WALK
2) The Moriah experience (Gen22)
The spiritual WORSHIP
3) The Dothan experience (2 Kings 6)
The spiritual AWAKENING
"Surrender & Obedience are the highest level of Worship"
4) Devotion without DISCIPLESHIP
It is only lip service if it's all talk without living
5) Ritual without REALITY
FIVE defining questions of DISCIPLESHIP from the inside out
1. Why is "Discipleship from the Inside-Out" it so important?
- its a question of values
- Because God values Authenticity above Acomplishment!
Quality of our ministry must define by the quality of our lives. God is concern by how we live. and that will change to how we lead our live.
- Otherwise we burn out it we run on empty
"We may like the Christ (for saving us etc) but we are not Christ-like"
2) if it is so important, why is it so neglected?
- Because it takes TIME
(which we have so little of!)
- Because it's hard to MEASURE
- Because we are not measured by that yardstick!(By their fruits you will know)
3) What is "Discipleship from the Inside-Out" all about?
A) its all about putting CHRIST first
"if Christ is not lord of all He is not Lord at all."
"Serve God at His terms & not out terms."
B) its all about putting CHARACTER first
C) its about putting CALLING first
4) Why is "Discipleship from the Inside-Out"so difficult?
-To live inside out, you must live upside down
- because we have to face our inner demons
- because growth takes time and we impatient
- because we dont know how
- because we are ill-disciplined
Just a rule of thumb on,We can discipline ourselves by spending time with God one hour a day, 1 day a month, 1 week a year. ...."
Pursuing & anticipating in excitement of just seeking the knowledge of God!
An hr a day- 1/2 prayer, 1/2 word
5 fingers to pray
- God is the best, Reminds us to praise God (thumb)
- Teachers & leaders (Fore-finger)
- Prominent relationship (Prominent finger )
- For the weak ( 4th finger, "weakest" finger)
- Myself (5th finger)
Palm integrating all things in our life
5) How is "Discipleship from the Inside-Out" most effectively accomplished?
- Taking stock of our life
- taking charge if our life
- taking care of our life
Conclusion- Cultivating your inner life!
From restlessness to RESTEDNESS
So how!
Theology, to think about God!
It's all about Jesus!
Rev Edmund Chan- Crossing the uncrossable (2 Aug, Devotion)
Joshua 3:1-17
"The greater the vision, the greater the obstacle"
Discern between the essentials & the non essentials
1) Having the Heart the follow God
God told Joshua to cross, but it was impossible to cross.
Focus not on the river, not even on Joshua, not on the people ... But the biblical lenses is focus on the ark of the covenant(represent the presence of God)
Mention 10 times in ch3 alone. Pursuit the presence of God
In leadership one must hear from God. Not from the leader itself but from GOD! A Desperate HUNGER for God.
2) Having the Faith to believe
Spiritual principle - the promise of God
When we face obstacles, question to us Has God called?
If God calls, He provides!
Illustration for raising funds or giving... Imagine you have this congregation if we all take our neighbours wallets, just give in as much as can give. And note your neighbour has your wallet too. At the end of the day, it's all God's money!
Without faith it is impossible to please God
Importance to be grounded by the word of God
GOD has already spoken!
" Faith comes from hearing and hearing comes from the word of God."
GOD has already revealed!
3) Having the Courage to Act
Believe God's word & act upon it!
V.16 the water parted BUT it was somewhere at Adam next to he city of zarathan instead of where they were crossing abt 12 miles away.
Why God parted so far away?
Sometimes we act we expect God to do it Immediately. But in here it did happen but somewhere esle!
It's not about crossing the Jordan but to take possession of the Land.
The people expect the same thing to happen like how it happen crossing the red sea.
But this shows that God is doing a new work in a new way! Speak from a word of knowledge...
"Story how one day God once ask him to dance randomly at the back of the hall, even though he don't do dance"... But will you obey?... God than spoke,"Go to a women in yellow.
"Your husband have left you, I'm your husband. I will take care of you. So many yellow lady, later realise His wife was already speaking to her then."
"Life in the foundation of God & life in a Spirit filled God!"
Question & Answer (Q & A)
On Spiritual Maturity?
Luke 2:40New American Standard Bible (NASB)40 The Child continued to grow and become strong, [a]increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.
Jesus grow in wisdom, stature & grace of God was upon Him
In leadership & discipleship is not automatic, we have to be intentional!
We have to grow holistically...
Grow intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically etc
There's no "THE" thing... We tend to have our pet topics or focus BUT...
Paul said... "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."
The living Word & living God should be central
In decision making...
God's will be done!
Not my way, or your way, but YAHWEH!
When is divine appointments & when is coincidence?
Impetus of the church should be God
Leading of a Christ centered church instead (Purpose Driven Church)
Sun rise from east to the west?
Truth is the sun doesn't rise! The earth revolves around the sun!
Like is complex not complicated
Divine appointments is the first step...
"Divine will of God is totally sovereign sometimes puzzling , complex but is always perfect. "
How do we know God's direction?
A moving vehicle is easier to stir... Moving forward in Faith is easier for God to guide.
If God is not speaking, this could be the most profound answer one can hear...
"When in the dark hold fast what God has already revealed in the light"
Being secured in submission.
It's better to have us all agree on carrying a weak vehicle than have a strong vehicle when not all is agreeing on it
Ministry is FUN!
At the end of the day, Jesus has redeem us!!!
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The YM leaders who came for the conference. |
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