God Be Praised! Finally got my IPPT Gold & $400 bonus after 6 months of intensive training's, running a total of 28x 2.4km recorded time trails since 26 March - 29 Aug 2012!!! Overall much improvement from my first test on 28 Jan 2012 and I think i'm at the fittest point of my life right now even compared to my ocs days. :)
Post-Reflections from this IPPT
Sit Up - 40, (5 pts), Almost miss the 5points for my Sit-ups here, the new electronic sit-up mat, is super sensitive, had 7-8 "no counts", and I nearly panic, realized from the PTI halfway that if one move your butt abit forward, even when I did a standard sit up all the way back & up to my knee the system will not count it. So do keep your butt on the same spot if your doing the electronic mat.
Standing Broad Jump (SBJ)- 261 cm, (5 pts), This is probably one of my furthest recorded jumps since my OCS days...And one of the greatest challenge for many out there even though one can be very fit. This is the technique that i've learnt over the years that work pretty well for me.
1) Do a few tuck-jumps before the jump 2) Look far & high, and just do ONE hard swing from the back to the front, and let the momentum push you forward. 3) In the air try to kick out far, and land forward.
Chin Up- 20, (5 pts) , Was surprised to be able to do 20 chin ups today compared to my last IPPT of 17, the trick for this is just keep doing chin ups as often as you can, it helps having a few training buddies to mutually motivate one another.
Shuttle Run, 9.5 Secs, (5 pts), The electronic system is a bit easier for this, as the timing only start when one run thru the gantry. So one can actually a slide step back before running.
2.4km Run, 9.30 Mins, (5pts),This timing was my personal target, and THANK GOD! Manage to get it exactly, went ahead pretty fast on my first lap of 1.17mins to get in front of the pack, and decided to pace down abit to conserve for the later laps. And the trick for 2.4km is to constantly keep the pace, even when the fatigue kicks in, try to tell your legs to keep going faster.
This was what motivated me before and during the run, from Eric Liddell (Former Olympic Champion, and from the movie Chariots of fire) "...when I run I feel His pleasure"
Recorded 2.4km Time Trails since my last IPPT at the start of the year!
(28x 2.4km recorded time trails since 26 March - 29 Aug 2012 , did some interval training's which are not recorded here, intervals training of 7x 400metres in 1min 30 secs with 1-2min break in between is a good way to train up for a 2.4km run)
IPPT Test (28 Jan 2012)
Post IPPT (March, April) 10.18mins (26 March) 10.09mins (16 April)
May (After being sick for 1 mth... drop my fitness tremendously) 10.48mins(10 may) 10.40mins (16 may) 10.28mins (18 may) 10.18mins (31 may)
10.17mins (7 June) 10.12mins (8 June) 9.57mins(10 june) 9.56mins(11 June) 9.40mins (16 June)
(Finally broke the 9.44mins gold timing barrier here) 9.42mins (21 June) 9.48mins (24 June)
(After my 2 weeks break in Sydney ... was surprise to have maintained the gold timing for the next 2 months thereafter)
July 9.26mins (12 July) 9.42mins (13 july) 9.36mins (15 July) 9.25mins (22 July) 9.43mins (26 July) 9.36mins (29 July)
9.44mins (5aug) 9.43mins (12 aug) 9.39mins (16 aug) 9.38mins (21 aug) 9.27mins (22 aug) 9.37mins (23 aug) 9.41 mine (26 aug) 9.32 mins (29 aug)
IPPT Test (1 Sep 2012)
POST IPPT! And of course its always nice to have a good motivation after an IPPT test, so we planned to have this nice breakfast at Ghim Mo Market after the test!  Nice good breakfast at Ghim Mo Market with Xunliang and Ps Raymond who ran all the way to Maju camp from his place to join us after our IPPT.
 We had this Thosai, Chee kueh & amazing Beef Horfan for breakfast!
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