Workshop Notes: Discipleship in the community- Rev Edmund Chan (WesleyChurch Camp 2014)
Create a discipleship environment
Five cries of the local church:
1. Too many programmes
2. Too few volunteers
3. Church leadership vision not clear
4. Church leaders not united
5. Church members not disciples (spiritually fed)
The key to implementing a discipleship making church:
Knowing loving & serving Christ
"Our relationship with him flows out of loving, then we go on toserve Him."
1. The discipleship training environment
2. The discipleship community
"If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far gotogether"
There is sustainably in community.
The need to understand the core mission of the church
The purpose of unity in the church
- important of small groups
"Divine appointment" - code word for evangelism.
The positive surpasses the negative... To do others what you want themto do to you.
We are called to live in community.
Illustration: Fellowship is not 2 fellow in the same ship.
Fellowship means being of the same kind excited about the samething.
The key to implementing a discipleship making church:
Create that discipleship environment
Word & prayer is the root ,
Mission & Evangelism is the fruit
CG members can impact the church
Cells are the primary focus of congregational life
It's not how large the church is, it's about growing life together!Vitality can only be experience in community.
We call cell groups the disciple making of the Cheung
We must phase out all competing programs. Cells are given a toopriority.
No competition
Programms are good when we are meeting this consumeristic culture, tomeet the choices of such programs. The issue of more programs we have there isnot one infrastructure the connection of the life of the church is not there.
The key is multiplying cell leaders that have caught it!
Paradigm shift:
Our family "shared responsibility"
Cell empowers the service ministries of the church.
Replaced the "volunteer" paradigm
An effective cell infrastructure releases the church for ministry. Cellsrelease the church to accomplish three things:
1. Pastoral Care
2 Evangelism
3. The raising up of the leaders
The church pastors are the equippers! The rest of us are the one thatare the salt & life of the world!
Assimilate newcomers!
Cells look out for new concerts and new visitors to assimilate them intochurch.
Cells close the "back door" of the hutch
Cells offer a sense of belonging & intimacy
Practical considerations for cell group development:
1. Learn from other churches what works and what doesn't
2. Brainstorm what can be done to improve cell life in the church.
i.e mobilization cells to pray for our pastors and missionaries
i.e improve church communications through cells
i.e every 10 cells join together to adopt an I reached peoplegroup
i.e channel new concerts to a cell group
When people go out to bless we come back being bless! Serving on amission trip together!
3. Have a clear policy and process for cell multiplication . Teach the 5stages of a cell life: (learning, loving, linking, laughing and leaving )
4. End cell meetings with an opportunity for personal ministry
5. Mentor servant leaders on the job through opportunities in cellleadership!
A vision to keep multiplying to train more leaders!
One need to multiply!
Sometimes we focus on makan after that we miss time for personalministry of the deep things of the heart.
6. Let the senior pastors set the agenda and pace for discipling cells
7. Avoids the common pitful for over enthusiastic leaders to force cellgroups on the congregation, rather than starting something successful andletting it gradually replace the cell groups . We also cannot force people intodiscipleship.
Built a discipleship environment
What is the most important thing in building the cell ?
- Focus on multiplying cell leaders not multiplying the cellgroups ... BUT that's not entirely the most. The senior pastor need to be fullybehind the vision! Every church that grows is the pastoral leadership , theleadership resonance of the pastoral team! What we decide even if it's notpopular as a leadership.
- We need to go to the mountain and seek The Lord, can create thefoundation but that will not cause the church to grow.
- The good answer, developing cell leaders, but the underlying answers isthe local council and pastoral staff to come together of the master blue printof the heart of moving the church, to equip the church!
- The call of the pastor is to do the equipping. The challenge is thepeople willing to be equipped!
Key to leadership/teacher... Is to inspire the people not to forcepeople.
"A mediocre teacher tells, a competent teacher explains, a goodteacher demonstrates, a great teacher inspires"
The key is to inspire! Inspiring the people with the Word of God!
The main aim is to inspire the congregation and not to force thecongregation. To set the example & pace.
People do not give to a need, they give to a vision!
How do you inspire a church to give.
i.e. If we ask someoneto take your neighbor wallet and give in church. What will we give ? It'sthe same for our wallet, the wallet in our pocket belongs to God. He entrust itto us.
God wants you to be good steward that all that I have.
If we are to be good stewards of all we have is that right? True orfalse...It’s False
God want us to be a good steward of what He owns. God owns and not weown.
There will be criticism along the way but we just need.
We do not exist for ourselves. The church is not for ourselves. It's forthe world! We are not to be cliquish but to multiply!
We need to be careful not to have a controlling spirit. Political will and to inspire.
Workshop Notes: Discipleship in the community
Create a discipleship environment
Five cries of the local church:
1. Too many programmes
2. Too few volunteers
3. Church leadership vision not clear
4. Church leaders not united
5. Church members not disciples (spiritually fed)
The key to implementing a discipleship making church:
Knowing loving & serving Christ
"Our relationship with him flows out of loving, then we go on to serve Him."
1. The discipleship training environment
2. The discipleship community
"If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far go together"
There is sustainably in community.
The need to understand the core mission of the church
The purpose of unity in the church
- important of small groups
"Divine appointment" - code word for evangelism.
The positive surpasses the negative... To do others what you want them to do to you.
We are called to live in community.
Illustration: Fellowship is not 2 fellow in the same ship.
Fellowship means being of the same kind excited about the same thing.
The key to implementing a discipleship making church:
Create that discipleship environment
Word & prayer is the root ,
Mission & Evangelism is the fruit
CG members can impact the church
Cells are the primary focus of congregational life
It's not how large the church is, it's about growing life together! Vitality can only be experience in community.
We call cell groups the disciple making of the Cheung
We must phase out all competing programs. Cells are given a too priority.
No competition
Programms are good when we are meeting this consumeristic culture, to meet the choices of such programs. The issue of more programs we have there is not one infrastructure the connection of the life of the church is not there.
The key is multiplying cell leaders that have caught it!
Paradigm shift:
Our family "shared responsibility"
Cell empowers the service ministries of the church.
Replaced the "volunteer" paradigm
An effective cell infrastructure releases the church for ministry. Cells release the church to accomplish three things:
1. Pastoral Care
2 Evangelism
3. The raising up of the leaders
The church pastors are the equippers! The rest of us are the one that are the salt & life of the world!
Assimilate newcomers!
Cells look out for new concerts and new visitors to assimilate them into church.
Cells close the "back door" of the hutch
Cells offer a sense of belonging & intimacy
Practical considerations for cell group development:
1. Learn from other churches what works and what doesn't
2. Brainstorm what can be done to improve cell life in the church.
i.e mobilization cells to pray for our pastors and missionaries
i.e improve church communications through cells
i.e every 10 cells join together to adopt an I reached people group
i.e channel new concerts to a cell group
When people go out to bless we come back being bless! Serving on a mission trip together!
3. Have a clear policy and process for cell multiplication . Teach the 5 stages of a cell life: (learning, loving, linking, laughing and leaving )
4. End cell meetings with an opportunity for personal ministry
5. Mentor servant leaders on the job through opportunities in cell leadership!
A vision to keep multiplying to train more leaders!
One need to multiply!
Sometimes we focus on makan after that we miss time for personal ministry of the deep things of the heart.
6. Let the senior pastors set the agenda and pace for discipling cells
7. Avoids the common pitful for over enthusiastic leaders to force cell groups on the congregation, rather than starting something successful and letting it gradually replace the cell groups . We also cannot force people into discipleship.
Built a discipleship environment
What is the most important thing in building the cell ?
- Focus on multiplying cell leaders not multiplying the cell groups ... BUT that's not entirely the most. The senior pastor need to be fully behind the vision! Every church that grows is the pastoral leadership , the leadership resonance of the pastoral team! What we decide even if it's not popular as a leadership.
We need to go to the mountain and seek The Lord, can create the foundation but that will not cause the church to grow.
The good answer, developing cell leaders, but the underlying answers is the local council and pastoral staff to come together of the master blue print of the heart of moving the church, to equip the church!
The call of the pastor is to do the equipping. The challenge is the people willing to be equipped!
Key to leadership/teacher... Is to inspire the people not to force people.
"A mediocre teacher tells, a competent teacher explains, a good teacher demonstrates, a great teacher inspires"
The key is to inspire! Inspiring the people with the Word of God!
The main aim is to inspire the congregation and not to force the congregation. To set the example & pace.
People do not give to a need, they give to a vision!
How do you inspire a church to give.
I.e. If we ask someone to take your neighbor wallet and give in church. What will we give ?
It's the same for our wallet, the wallet in our pocket belongs to God. He entrust it to us.
God wants you to be good steward that all that I have.
If we are to be good stewards of all we have is that right ? True or false...False
God want us to be a good steward of what He owns. God owns and not we own.
There will be criticism along the way but we just need.
We do not exist for ourselves. The church is not for ourselves. It's for the world! We are not to be cliquish but to multiply!
We need to be careful not to have a controlling spirit. Political will and to inspire.