Saturday, December 22, 2007


Today meetings after meetings!
First met up with irene and joelle for a Cruasde ST meeting at cathay at 10am! Really fruitful meeting till abt 1.45pm... then headed for lunch and COINCIDENTLY bump into serene AGAIN! Its like the 2nd time in 2 weeks i bump into her so randomly.

Had a quick lunch with joelle and met up with gladwin to have a really goood loong mentoring session. Shared with him a lot of stuff abt ministries. And i guess i manage to take back a lot from today alone, like one thing i rmb is we really need to feel God's presence every single day! And right now... im more assured abt my PRE-MADE decision to stop clubbing FOREVER. I guess if i really want to be prepared for bigger things from God. I need to surrender such stuff. And only last wednesday, was the first time i hang out with the WE MAMBO grp and i didnt go mambo with them at all! PHEW! now hope i will really keep to my stand! OTHERS CAN! I CANNOT! Anyway really wanna thank Gladwin for being a wonderful mentor who has been really guiding my spiritual life very well! =)

After that headed to main church lvl 4! for our YM GAP THANKS GIVING!!!!!!!!
It was soooooooooooo coool seeing all the gappers again! And seeing how this ministry grew from abt 4-5 ppl 2 yrs back to now abt 24 ppl who came! oh wow! FOOD WAS AWESOME!!!!

I just realised i dun really have photos of the gappers!

(the really niceeeeeeee cakesssssssssssssss from coffee bean)

(ginger bread man.......................the swiss cottage bread was FABULOUS!too good to describe in words!)

(The chicken,turkey! and pork ribs!)

(the Yummy Ham and TURKEY!)

(the SUSHIs!)


(wah stacy took a photo of me sharing my Thanks giving on YM GAP!)

(some of the gappers!)

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