Tuesday, January 03, 2012

New Year Resolutions 2012

New Year Resolutions for 2011...
1. To grow CLOSER and MORE DEEPER and SPIRITUALLY with the Lord (Definitely!)
2. To go into FAITH adventures with the Lord where i have never been before!  (Certainly Have)3. To reach out to at least 15 friends! (Possibly? One received Christ! :) )
4. To get a Driving License!  (YES! =) )
5. At least get a B grade for my Company Tactics Course (CTC) (Passed it? =P)
6. To spend more time with my sec 3 grp (G.E.L) , and to bring them closer to the Lord & plan a small grp retreat for them! (Could have done better =/)
7. To take my first step into full time ministry in church!(Did that by starting working in Church as a Youth Worker)

8. To see the Tchoukball ministry in Wesley Ym grow!  (Certainly has!)
9. To see my small grp God's Clay growing closer together & deeper through the Word. (Certainly!)10. To continue to live each day with the JOY OF THE LORD! =) (YESSSS)

My goal of the year 2011 would be...
" I want to live my life WORTHILY of my Calling for Christ!"

New Year Resolution for 2012
1. To go into FAITH adventures with the Lord where I have never been before!

2. To spend more time with my sec 4 youths (G.E.L), plan a small grp retreat with them! 

3. To read the entire bible cover to cover! 

4. To complete the 9 months DISCIPLE 1 course!
5. To go Hillsong Conference 2012

6. To get IPPT Gold!

7. To reach out to at least 10 friends

8. To mentor & disciple (Peer leaders,other members in
small group & YM)

9. To be exposed to more social outreaches. (To the
least,lost & last)

10. To continue to live each day with the JOY OF THE LORD! =)

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