Monday, April 23, 2012

The fight against the FLU bug!

Ever since last Tuesday, been fighting the flu bug that's been massively spreading to the people around me. I'm someone who rarely gets sick and tend to recover pretty fast after a couple of panadols and a good night rest. But somehow, this been one of the longest time for a long time, been fighting this.

Weds, tried to recover in time for staff lunch, but it got worst come afternoon. 

Thurs spent my entire off day resting at home, thinking it will recover.

, felt horrible in the morning, got better when I reached the office. 

 felt the same horrible feeling waking up in the morning again,but it got better come afternoon, during dinner felt the headache kicking back in, and gone home smash. 

Sunday! Woke up feeling the most super HORRIBLE  of the week with a horrible headache, extremely sore throat, and knowing a long day ahead, I just prayed and hoped the Lord will sustained me. The panadols I took helped till about lunch time, and when I started feeling the lightheaded feeling again, I knew God is telling me to rest when the panadols stopped working. Had to reluctantly miss a big tchoukball match that afternoon & a farewell dinner that sunday. Slept through the afternoon, but the headache didn't really get any better, and I suffered the night trying to sleep it off. 

Today, took leave so I cld have one more day of rest. However still woke up with that horrible feeling, of a bad sore throat and lightheaded feeling. Thought I had to go through another bad day. But THANK GOD, right now i'm feeling slightly better and hope and pray that I can spend a good day with the Lord going out of the house somewhere quiet. :)

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