Saturday, May 03, 2008

Live by FAITH! not by Sight!

Live by FAITH! not by Sight!
This may be quite a familiar verse to many Christians, but it hit me right into my heart in my quiet time yesterday and it encourage me a lot as i claim upon that verse thru out the day. Recently, i notice that i haven't had that like very close mega exciting encounter with God(something which i will blog and put a lot of exclamation marks on!) and though i still experience him in the many small ways....i was pondering on know in the past, i use to base my Christian Faith a lot on that tangible "emotional" experiences with God and yes although bcoz of that i have change over the years... but as i mature more...i begin to realize FAITH isn't actually seeing something visible and experiencing something in a very tangible way.... its so much MORE than that. And it all boils down to our very own walk with God in the WORD itself!
"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17

Ever since the last ym camp... i've learnt that a Christian walk is so much deeper than having that "emotional" feeling you get at camps, and thats something im concern abt many young christians today... if one really WANT to have that REAL DAILY EXPERIENCE with GOD EVERYDAY and grow closer to him! One really have to have that "SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE" to get it as the devil of this world wld always find many ways to bring our faith down....and to FIGHT THE DEVIL.... we have to really make sure that we know the Word well! As its only from the WORD itself that our FAITH can grow! And thats something which im really trying my very best to take back each day in my QT and times spent with our LORD. And YOU WILL BE AMAZED HOW GOD can surprise you when it HITS YOU!!!! Dun miss that! =)

we live by faith, not by sight (2 Cor 5:7)

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