Monday, May 26, 2008

What Chair are we sitting on?

What Chair are we sitting on?
Today Combined Service was jam packed with events! With Project Christ Walk as well as one of wesley ym favorite guest preacher coming again! And its none other done Pastor Jeremy Seaward!
Heard that todays attendance was nearly close to 500 youths!

Anyway felt todays message was very relevant and good for our ministry right now!

From scripture: Mark 10:35-40
You can determined the position where we sit in the Kingdom of GOD!

RED CHAIR- Represent someone PASSIONATE FOR GOD! ON FIRE for GOD! And Stays in places where THE FIRE KEEPS GOING! (Personally i really feel that all Christians sld intentionally choose to be in this kind of environment that will help our fire for GOD to grow brighter and stronger each day, with places where we can get that continual encouragement from good Christian friends around we can keep ourselves on that RED CHAIR!!

GREEN CHAIR- Represents growth in Christ! Abiding in Christ! Stay in the right environment where growth can occur, for example thru discipleship!

GREY CHAIR- This represents neither hot nor cold and i believed me youths out there fall in this area..where they just feel so comfortable that one may call them "luke warm" christians... they may have accepted Christ BUT...they don't grow in the Faith but stay in compromise! This are so called christians who are in danger of going to the BLACK CHAIR... which is....

BLACK CHAIR- Absence of light! Christ is not in their life....

Which chair are we sitting on today?

After his impactful message there was an altar call... and as i was sitting at the back i took a peek infront and i saw many hands raise when he challenge those who feels that they are in the grey chair...And i was very encourage to see so many youths wanting to commit to our Lord to go to the red and green chairs!From the back....u can see everything thats happeing infront... after that altar call... hundreds and hundres of youths just flooded to the front to make that commitment to the Lord! Its like nearly 4/5 of the whole ball room of youths was convicted by the HOLYS SPIRIT... Issac and me was at the back as we just sense this mutual joy seeeing so many youths in YM really willing to step up in FAITH for our LORD! Im still in FULL FAITH THAT REVIVAL IS COMING to wesley ym sooooooooon!!!! =)

Scenes from Project Christ walk...

(see those green ppl! They are the CROSSTRAINERS! see we can be good ushers and human barricade too! haha!)

(thats serena and joshua from GOD's CLAY!!!!!!!!!!..designer by fellow Jem of God's clay too!!)

After service...

(The leaders were celebrating pastor jeremy seaword BIRTHDAY!...thats his cute little baby!)

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