Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wesley Ym Tchoukball Introductory!

24 June- Wednesday!

Did a Tchoukball introductory session to a bunch of wesley ymers @ the lovely fort canning park! We are really fortunate to have this nice flat area just behind our church to play such a game! Its like our Home ground! =)

Was pretty surprised by the big turn out! About 40 plus both crosstrainers and other wesley ymers from as young as sec 2 to university!

(Doing the introductory session, telling them the rules & history about Tchoukball!

(Getting use to the passing of balll!)

(Getting use to the Frame, doing 90 degree shots)

(Explaning that 2 hands is needed to tap the ball in a foul or turnover)

The Tchoukball MATCH UP!

(The flat area with use for our Tchoukball match @ Fort Canning!)

Now we are ready to start out a Wesley Ym Tchoukball team for both guys & girls!!! Next traning session next wednesday before we have our first match up against a new team from Youth Development Centre(YDC) next friday! Very excited for that match up! =)

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