Wednesday, September 16, 2009

DREAMS or REALITY of the future?

It's strange whenever i sit down & to actually think that i could recall my dreams of the night before! Wells, what i said actually did happened as i wrote this on my facebook status when that thought came...

And yes i really hope what i dreamt of won't happened! Its not like a life or death kind of dream or something very bad! But it was just 3 particular upcoming events that didn't turn out the way i expected. One that will be coming up on Friday, another on Sunday & a third dream which was a bit too weird as I have no idea & connection of how it cld possibly happened, actually a forth event but that was like of the past which was quite twisted too.

It was like i was the observer in those dreams & i could still recall vividly of what happened. The dream on sunday had people i know inside, the dream on Friday was abt my NS posting, which was strangeeee? Hard to describe actually as my posting type or rather TYPES didn't really exists in reality too? But i believed maybe, just maybe those dreams were a way of God teaching me something?

Thinking back DREAMS sure are strangeee , weird, bizzare & always seemingly impossible to comprehend that it would actually happened, but it's such a perplexing phenomena that its always just nice talking about it! =)

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