Saturday, October 24, 2009

God's always FAITHFUL!

Had a bunch of test this week! And God certainly has been there with me throughout!
From finding out that i was top in the wing for one of the major test with a score of 99% which surprised me greatly! And then also getting GOLD for IPPT with a maximum score of 25/25 with my fastest 2.4km time ever in my life of 9.18mins! Which means i will get a $200 reward for that and a gold ippt badge!

And then one of the nights had some time of sharing and praying with my christian friend in an empty bunk, and i was desiring for opportunities to share my Faith! And INDEED GOD was FAITHFUL, as immediately the next couple of days after that, somehow, in small subtle ways, God did give me opportunities through the conversations i had, and got the chance to share abit of my life testimony and the many great things that God had taught me! =) What a fruitful week! =)

Alrighty booking back in less than 20 hrs time! Anyways i sld be contented that i cld actually book out today already! =) Seeyall next weekend! .... missing church on a sunday again! =/

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