Sunday, October 24, 2010

The 8 Steps of Starting a Sports Outreach Ministry

Day 3:Sports Symposium

Adapted from Pastor Andy Lim (Convener of Sports Coalition Singapore), resources from Church Sports Outreach,

Step 1: Get the Proper Perspective

Sports Ministry should be relational

Step 2: Identify Your MVPS

Mission, Vision, Philosophy, Strategy

Step 3: Select a Team Captain

A leader who understands the MVPS and can drive each sport team

Step 4: Establish a Leadership Team

A team who of Team Captains who catch the common vision to support one another

Step 5: Assess the Opportunities

Know your community (the target grp), resources (equipments, venue, etc)

Step 6: Train Your Team

Train the team well both in Spiritual and the physical aspect. The Christian athletes should catch the vision

Step 7: Integrate the Three Essentials

Pray Continually, Act Wisely, Speak Graciously (Play, Pray, Say)

Step 8: Guard This Treasure

Statistics has shown that sports ministry is a great tool for evangelism. Guard the fruits of it. Youth More Than Goal (YMTG) in the recent SYOG movement, 320 people accepted Christ.

Sports Ministry is a process...which will lead to the OUTREACH OF PRE-BELIEVERS through the RELATIONAL interaction of the Church players and Friends!

(Refer to the ENGEL Scale... bringing a believer or pre-believer to a step closer to God each day)

Inreach vs. Outreach

Inreach vs. Outreach (Full-Version) from Tim Briggs on Vimeo.

Description: Bob Dyar and Bob Schindler discuss the tension between inreach and outreach for local church sports ministries.

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