Thursday, June 13, 2013


A new believer in our group shared this powerful story of God’s revelation of a CROSS to her to our small group last night. And just listening to it gave us such encouragement & joy! It’s divine stories like this that reminded me yet again how faithful our Lord is if we truly seek Him with all our hearts!

Got her permission to share this story below, as I was so encouraged, that it left me with UNSPEAKABLE JOY!

The CROSS (Actual Sharing from Small Grp Member)

“It’s been quite a hectic week for me, this and for the coming ones.. But I’ve been telling myself if God has put me to it, He’d put me through it. So on Thurs night (30 May 2013) I was typing my stories at around 7ish pm. Then I was at the word “destination” - I suddenly saw the cross at the 2nd letter T. I backspaced immediately w/o thinking. Then later it hit me that it was THE CROSS and undoubtedly God sent that to me. I was very upset that I deleted it so quickly. I retyped at least 20 times, but couldn’t get it back.

When I came home, I spoke to God (of course I did haha) about this encounter and told Him how upset I was that I didn’t get to see it again cause I didn’t know how to share with others if I don’t have pictorial evidence!! I asked Him to pls show it to me again. That was at 11.50pm (all documented in my journal).

After that I went to read my book - “FAQS On God”. I had stopped at pg54. The moment I flipped, this was what I saw.

(See picture above)

This was at 12.10am, effectively 20mins after I spoke to Him. I wanted to cry (and i’m not one that cry easily).

That was exactly the t I saw on my computer.”

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