Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Winner of 30 000 Visitor Challenge!!!!

Winner of 30 000 Visitor Challenge!!!!
Alright after the third challenge ever since past winners Simon Lin and Glenda Lau won it!!!!
THE WINNER OF THE LONG AWAITED 30 000 visitor award to my blog goes to
STACY LOUIS LORAYNE!!!!! And your EXCLUSIVE PRIZE ISSSSSSSSS!!!! You will get the HONOUR of me writing a testimony for you here!!!! (sorry for all those who were trying to win it like elliot,ronda,matthias,jinhe,song and like sandra chua with your visitor count of 30012! haha! Quite surprised. you actually still visit my blog! =P)

"Ok heres goes!FOR THE WINNER!!! STACY!!! It's been great working along side you and isaac in Crosstrainers for the past year! I really can't imagine how leading crosstrainers would be like if you two won't there! AND i can definitely see how you have grown with the Lord for the past year too! Remember to PRESERVE IN THE FAITH FOR OUR LORD even how hard it maybe at times! And last of all! i know your one of my faithful blog readers too! So well you should deserve this "award"...Hahah!" =)

(The photo of the 30 000 visitor challenge that made Stacy eligible for the award!!!)

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