Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nice Weekend! =)

Its been a good weekend, YM Mission Training in afternoon, a friend who I invited to church came back to TSS again and had a good time with some of the guys from my small grp at food for thought. Followed by a second impromptu reunion gathering with some old coursemates whom l remember the last time meeting them on new year eve last yr.

But I would say what really made my Saturday was hearing the really powerful testimony of God's grace to my friend. The last time I brought him to church couple weeks ago, he shared how the sermon on prayer led him to actually start praying. And 5 days of persistence prayer of his direction in life, & reading a book which i past to him on that "Spirit-filled life", actually led to God actually answering his prayers in quite a dramatic way. And this really affirms me again that God would answer anyone who truly seeks him. =)

Fellowship Sunday

Spend the day with my beloved sec 3 small grp, G.E.L's! Where we went ice skating after many years of actually suggesting this activity! Wells although we got bored after going round & round awhile, we actually had a good time seeing the grp bonding with each other! =) So proud at them of how they grew up so much ever since I got to know this kids when they were just P6 transiting into YM.

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