Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Spiritual Formation starts from within

(From the last chapter of Cultivating Your Inner Life by Edmund Chan)

"External spirituality short circuits the work of God's grace.

Spiritual formation starts from within.

If we do not take care of our inner life, we will measure things by the external. We will miss the grace that transforms us from within.

We need the tutoring of divine grace to help us to be fresh, passionate, and hungry for Him.

The glorious grace of God calms my inner compulsions, strengthens my inner convictions, quickens my inner conscience, steadies my inner compass and anchors my inner composure.

...We cannot sustain spiritual passion by our own strength. My journey in spiritual formation continues. Until Christ is formed in me.

How's your journey? May you have a blessed pilgrimage ahead.

Until Christ is formed in you!"

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