Saturday, August 11, 2007

YM GAP!our GOD has overcome the world!the devil don't stand a chance if we....

YM GAP!our GOD has overcome the world!the devil don't stand a chance if we....

Todays YM Gap was good again! Matthias led a mini session of free worship. Didnt had that in a long time in gap. but really enjoyed it! =)

Something which i was thinking a lot during GAP...just by todays prayer session alone, and sharing from many people i know in church over the past couple of mths. I notice that theres this really common thing happening in a lot of our lives right now. The WORLD is becoming so TEMPTING and at the same time DISTRACTING to many Christian lives. And this gives the devil a foothold to deceive and influence us. And our lives tend to get messy and stress over WORLDLY things.. even things we think is good...for e.g. studies?ccas?work? but once this priorities pull us away from GOD. Personally i feel, thats how the devil can subtly affect our walk with GOD. With Major exams such as A's, IB papers, O's all coming!This is inevitable... BUT we still sldnt let all this factors affect us. We sld still put God first in everything we do. YES STUDIES IS IMPORTANT. BUT we still need to put GOD first even before our studies. ALL WE NEED is to commit at least sometime before we start our packed day.Just spending time with the Lord ALONE. And when we talk abt surrendering our life. ITS really abt ABSOLUTE surrender. Not 99% but 100%! And thats when we will see God straightening our paths and thats also when the JOY of the Lord will be seen in our lives!

Our GOD is really just SOOO LOVING and we just need to cast our worries upon him. Its easier said than done. BUT i really STRONGLY ENCOURAGE that if every youth in YM can see this and believe it by FAITH!And have this constant daily walk with God! THATS when we will see YM REVIVAL!

I remember adriel once said at Ym camp 05...that 2006 wld be the preparation year for WESLEY YM REVIVAL..So in this coming YM camp 07..wld it be the start of our REVIVAL? well i CHOOSE TO BELIEVE it! But we all have to play apart. AND BE "THE CHANGE-MAKERS" of YM! WOOHOOO! didnt use that WORD for quite a while! but i really hope to ignite that passion again!

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