Monday, February 23, 2009

FUSION!!!!!!!!! Planetshakers OVERLOAD!!!!

FUSION!!!!!!!!! LITERALLY Planetshakers OVERLOAD!!!!

Matt fielder (Pastor from Planet shaker Church) shared a message in Wesley Hall on Reaching out to youths!

Saturday- FUSION @ ACS I!!!

The INTENSE 9am to 10.15pm sessions of worship and sermons back to back!!!

(Most photos taken from walter's facebook album=D)

(The Early birds who came for the first session at 9am!)

(Was actually surprise that the planetshakers band actually played in ALL 4 sessions!!!)

Session 1
Rev Dr Wee Boon Hup - Desire
It was a deep message from the WORD, manage to take back some really good insights from it.
After his sermon, we took Holy Communion, and i can say this is one of the most serious Holy Communions i have ever taken in my life, mainly because of the recent study from precept on the importance of taking Holy Communion in the right way and not only that.

Session 2
Rev Dr Gordon Wong- Destiny
A very straight forward message on how God has purposed and chosen us for his inheritance!

Session 3
Mr Joseph Chean (Base Director of YWAM Singapore) - Death
This was my favourite session out of the 4 session...Joseph Chean really had one VERY POWERFUL LIFECHANGING testimony! That was so authentic and inspired all of us greatly!
It clearly showed God's Faithfulness in his life and how he had to learn to die to himself in order to see the GREAT things GOD can do to him! And his testimony really just made GOD EVEN SO MUCH MORE REAL!!!!!

(Joseph Chean's sharing his testimony about Death to himself)

Dinner time!

(Met up with some of my small grp members who came!)

(The PLANETSHAKERS!!!!!!!!!! were really LOUD!!! hahah! This is the first planetshakers event out of the last few i went in previous years that they actually played more of their CLASSICS!!! Like running after you, lift up your eyes, rain down and open up your gates!!)

Session 4

(the crowded was like tossing these gigantic balloons!)

(WE LOVE OUR GOD!!!!!!!!!!)


(I can say without a doubt this is possibly the BIGGEST EVER COMBINED SERVICE IN WESLEY YM HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ballroom WAS SOOOOOOO PACKED!!!!!!!!! People EVEN HAD TO QUEUE to get in!!!! FIRST TIMEEEEE in wesley ym history! haha!)

Its like literally back to back planetshakers after planetshakers from saturday to sunday ...that their songs are like stuck in my head already!!!! Anyways the bassiest of the band who was also a youth pastor in the church was preaching... and what truly encouraged me the most was to see so many of my sec 1 youths who were touched by the Lord during worship and during the message! Its really very encouraging to see them experiencing God personally for themselves! And they are only like Sec 1!!!!!! =) I really hope that this isnt a one time thing for them...but i'm sure soon they will realise more what really keeping that Passion for christ really is! =)

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