Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A divine appointment! =)

A divine appointment! =)
I always like how God gives me such divine appointments like today and i always like sharing about it!!!

Its like recent truths that God been speaking to me in my recent QT has been become into reality!

"God plans life in such a way that the greatest treasures are concealed, waiting for you to discover them. And there is no thrill like the thrill of making a great discovery.- Selwyn Hughes"

That quote from my devotional book seems so truee when that discovery happened!

Here was how the story goes... initially met up with Pastor Alvin to head down to outram sec for our weekly Tchoukball coaching session with these youths there! But somehow when we went there...we only just heard that the session was cancelled... so we decided to make our way back to church and have a chat at dome instead...

AND WOW... personallly to me that conversation sureee was a divine appointment for first off... i wanted to seek some godly counsel after my full time calling, and i only had brief chance to share with him, so took this chance to talk abit more in more details and thru that conversation... somehow suddenly Pastor Alvin offered me a job as a Sports Intern in church! And i was like WOWED! bcoz deep down in my heart... i wanted to do something productive for the future of my calling and as sports is one of my passions! Imaging merging 2 passsions together... ministry and sports!!! Isnt that sooo cooooooool!

And just niceee now i have some stuff to do till my enlistment! So hearing the proposed plan from him and all the possible ministry things to do in the future just EXCITES me!
What a possible start in equipping myself in the future of ministry! wellssss although nothing is set on stone yet, just hearing the things to come in the very near futureeee really excites me!

And why i said it was so divine bcoz as when i actually looked back... God has actually exposed me in this area preparing me what may happened soon... even from my first initial exposure about 5 years ago when i was impacted by this soccer coach who was coaching us in secondary sch who was also an SYFC staff in sports & adventure ministry...
An article my soccer coach once wrote that i just came across online as i wrote this post! Do check it out! its amazing stuff! Bcoz i remember that very DIVINE match!

And than there were even simple things later on getting to be involved in teen games and other co related evangelistic sports events like when i had a chance to experience coaching some kids in a YFC soccer camp in dec 2007...heres a couple of links of those entries...

Evangelistic YFC soccer camp (day1-2)

Evangelistic YFC soccer camp (day1-2)

Flash back to 2007....(found the 2 photos below in the SYFC website!)

(the fun times coaching this kids!.. I'm wearing th number 14 jersey in blue)

(the times coaching this kids and sharing and talking about Christ to them!)

And now for the weeks to come i have even more opportunity in another area dealing with other kind of kids at outram sec on mondays and weds! Which in someway also co-relates to my FYP project that i have been doing on the HANGOUT@ the Third place which deals with "youths at risk"! So now everything that happened in my life so far is starting to be linked and the puzzle of what God plan for me is piecing together thru the past 5 years!! I'm just in awe of God's many more great things planned ahead for me! =)

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