Saturday, April 18, 2009

God's Simply Amazing! (You should read this!!!!)

It sure been amazing week for me! I guess something that really made me so excited this week was having the DIVINE APPOINTMENT in meeting up with some of my close friends from st.gabs... and this is possibly the first time since sec sch days that we actually had a proper meet up like what we did on thursday! Well in the end it was only a very small grp of us.. keith,shahreel and tw who came later... And why i wld say it was a divine appointment was... first before meeting up with them, i was led to pray if God cld just give me an opportunity to talk abt Christ to my friends!

AND WELL...God's Prayer was answered! Somehow it happened through our conversations! I didn't know how it led to it! but it just started when we were talking abt our Faith! And the amazing thing was... at that table there was a Roman Catholic, Methodist and Muslim, and it was an amazing sharing as we shared our different views of life,heaven and hell! And in the 10 over years that i know them,i think we never really dwelled in such a spiritual conversation like that before. And they were the ones that knew how i was like before my experience with God and how i am like now!

And learning abt God's COVENANT from precept the last few mths was really useful in this particular circumstance, as the Holy Spirit just led me to share something that brought us all in mutual agreement which is first...we all believe in God. Which personally for me that same God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob is also the same God for the muslim and definitely the Roman Catholics too! So that was the bridging gap to our common understanding of our history... but bcoz of what we learn from the WORD of GOD that ever since the Abrahamic Covenant (When God promise Abraham of a "SEED" to come and than followed by The OLD COVENANT (The Law of Moses aka the 10 commandments) which the muslims still follow. And next with the many prophesies of the messiah to come by all those prophets which describe with many facts of how the messiah wld come on earth which now leads to what that differ us from the Muslims and Christians. Which is that NEW COVENANT which followed after the Laws... which goes back to that "SEED" of Abraham which was to become JESUS CHRIST who was born under the Law and was made the Savior for us all as he died for all our Sins & Forgiven us! And when he redeemed us on the Cross, it broke the veil of the tabernacle which was where the OLD COVENANT was being practice at! Which states that we can now all come to Christ by just believing in Him and accepting Him to our Hearts!
(AMAZING RIGHT!!!! How God's purposes all just come together so nicely like that!)

So i myself was pretty amazed as i shared with them all this, as i would have never been able to share it so fluently without the help of the Holy Spirit! And well Shahreel if your reading this, you know i really believed from that deep conviction from my Heart that what was talk abt simply was a DIVINE MEETING that God place before us! =)... So let me know if you so happened to read this post! As you know i truly believed that same God for me, and for YOU do really want to touch your life and fill your life with His Love and just forgiveee us for all the Sins that we done! And we can become that new person in Christ like what God did to change my Life for him! =)

WELLL! When you thought that all this DIVINE INTERVENTION stops there! Do you know as i wrote this post, Paul Ooi from church just sent me a mailer abt a post he just read which was exactly what we were actually talking abt in GAP on Friday and what i'm writing about NOW!...

below is the abstract of it..(READ IT! blew my mind as it was the EXACT thing that just happened to me!)

Click here for full link to 18/4/09 devotional material

"Beware of Unusual Circumstances
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman

"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit?" (1 Cor 12:7-9).

Whenever something unusual happens in daily life, these are often signs that God is up to something. We must have a heightened sense of awareness of what God may want to do in these situations...

Jesus often spoke supernaturally into the lives of others based on the circumstance of the moment. He often spoke of their current condition in life and invited them to make a change.

As you go about your day, there are situations that we can find ourselves in that are open doors for bringing Christ into the circumstance. In fact, He is the one orchestrating the circumstance!

Next time an unusual situation develops, be aware that God may be creating such a circumstance to bring His glory into the situation.

AMEN!!! What an assurance of God's Word! =)

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