Sunday, August 13, 2006



YaY! i manage to get tickets for planetshakers concert again!!! Went with my other small grp members!!! Soe, ben tan, tw, cherie and cephas... and it was a blast again! This time it was a new message...and the last song was new was a really nice song! must catch their new album man! AND we were even nearer the front this time! Infact jus behind the railings!!!! Thats how "kiasu" we were....squeezing all thw way from the back to the front!!!! AND my ears was damage again! Now i'm goin deaf from 2 consecutive planetshakers concert! aiyooooooo.....

Well..cant wait for tmr or rather later!!! its SUNDAY!!! and our small grp gona change the future of ym! starting from us! the CHANGEMAKERS!!!!!! Vyan, me and now the others in my small grp plan to JUMPED! even when the rest are like...dulll...YIPPEEE!!!! PTL!!!! =)

(soe, benjamin tan, me)

(planetshakers lead singer, with video cam...he wanted to
show how singapore was like to australia)

(planetshakers drummer! his damm goooood!)

(FULL CROWD TODAY! We are front row standin agian! this
time even nearer the stage! jus behind the railings! we squeeezee
all the way tooo the front!!!!!)
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