Thursday, November 01, 2007

My PERSONAL TESTIMONY from a ym camp!

This entry is going to be a preview of what you guys going to hear from me this "CAMP" sunday in church... And THIS IS GOING TO BE THE FIRST TIME EVER I'M SHARING TO THE ENTIRE 450 youths in WESLEY YOUTH MINISTRY!

This IS OUT OF ALL MY wonderful experiences of God this past 2 years, this entry is NO DOUBT EVER THE most HEARTFELT testimony from my heart....

I can truly say that I’m a change person because of a WESLEY YM CAMP. It was 2 years back when I first went for my FIRST EVER YM CAMP, even though I have grew up in Wesley since I was a baby. I would always make all kind of excuse not to go for the previous camp.

My personality and character then was TOTALLY different from right now. I was a very shy, low self esteem, low confidence, not very sociable and was a typical Sunday Christian. I would go to church every Sunday, but I would just stone in small group time, what ever the leader says would go in one ear come out the other. And just leave after that, and that was how it was every Sunday. I would make excuses not to go for camps or fellowship outings. I would say I wasn’t a true Christian at all as not many people in my school knew I was one. My life was just about soccer, school and computer games. And I never talk to my small grp members at all, although I see some of them ever since YM started! I was very quiet. It was only during the o level period when I actually started opening up to some of my group members when we studied together and after our small group retreat.

And then YM CAMP 05 came, ironically at the Singapore Sports School too. My camp group was really awesome. I started to slowly open up during the camp, and got to know youths besides my own small group. And on the second night I still remember clearly everything. On 9 December about 9 plus pm, after the sermon, there was an altar call; I never dared to go for any altar call before this. And I remember, after a long while when the pastor ask who wants to surrender their life totally to God to go to the front. And I contemplated a lot, at that point, I was thinking, NO WAY am I going to give my life totally to God, I still have my studies, career and so many things I want to do. But then I remember this, before the camp, I tried so badly to get my classmates to come, that i even told a close friend of mine this.. I blatantly said I was willing to screw up my o’levels just for you to come. So if I could once said so easily to a friend that just to show my faith in God, how come I couldn’t do that simple step of faith just to go for that altar call. But I just decided to go by faith.

And from there on, slowly but surely for the first time ever in my life i started to experience how REAL GOD WAS! I never experience him at ALL in my entire life till then, although I went to church since small. And many things happen during the altar call, I was prophesies over and got slain too.

And from that day onwards, I was a change person. TOTALLY, my life became so much more exciting, my self esteem and confidence grew, and from a total introvert I started to become more extrovert. When I surrendered my life totally to God, instead of me worrying about my life, everything just went better! My fire and passion stayed on right after that camp till now.

And at the start of 2006 I became an aysgl and many awesome things happen from that day onwards, I started to want to serve in ym, and join x-trainers soon after. And I saw God working so real in my life every single day, even my small group members were shocked to see the drastic change in me, as they were the ones who knew how I was before and after the camp. I remember one jokingly told me that she never knew I could even talk.

Personally this coming camp it’s going to be an awesome de javu of the camp for me 2yrs back at the exact same place in the Singapore sports school too. So I strongly encourage all of you to sign up for this coming YM CAMP 07! I can guarantee God can change your life too like how he did to me just from one camp. And all you need is to have this daily absolute surrender to God. =)

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