Friday, March 23, 2007

Personal Retreat before Mission Trip!

Personal Retreat before Mission Trip!
First off i really wanna THANK everyone that have been praying for my current situation. I'm extremely grateful for your prayers! Anyway just to update you guys... i met up with my course manager again today, and he read my letter. And he said he will try to help me drop those 2 modules as he talked to the academic advisor abt this. So i really wanna THANK GOD!!!! I feel much more comforted now, but still wld like u guys to pray for me that the academic advisor will officially allow me to drop these modules. THANKS my FAITHFUL READERS!!!

Anyway today our mission team had our last meeting before we set off on monday, we had a really good solid time of personal treat and reflecting back as we prepared our hearts for the trip.
ANYWAY i will be away from FRIDAY to SUNDAY for the DESIGN ORIENTATION TRAINING CAMP!!!! Really hope i can make to church on sunday still! =)

(My final assignment for drawing fundamentals, we had to draw a distorted self portrait of ourself. I used Chalk pastels on this hard board and I messed up the entire floor after doing this drawing)

(My foot prints were from the computer table where i was doing that chalk drawing until the toilet, thats how dirty the floor and that area was bcoz of that messy chalk!)

(The crusaders celebrating Jia Liang and Irene birthday at the airport)

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